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LV 8.2 Generic file I/O error

Well I seem to have found a sort of workaround.  I was trying to investigate this problem by running Process Monitor (download it here), but I couldn't get the error to happen as long as capture was enabled.  Saves are much slower (especially using "Save-All" for lots of mods), but no matter what I've tried in the last half hour I haven't been able to get the error.  If I disable capture in Process Monitor, saves are still slower than normal, but the error does happen.

Anyone else able to try this?

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 61
Hello, all.  I'm looking into some possible causes of this bug.

First, I was wondering if anyone is seeing the problem when saving a VI inside an LLB?

Second, my understanding is that you are seeing it when writing over a network to an existing .vi location, and that it does not happen when writing over a network to a new .vi.  If I'm wrong about that, please let me know.

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 61

I can at least answer your second question:  Yes, it appears to only happen when saving an existing VI.  Save As to a new name seems to work fine.

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 61

The repeat technique does not always work. I have to resort to the Save As and give it new name. I name thee Lame ;0
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 34 of 61
I've noticed reasonable success using the CTL-S method to save versus the "FILE" "SAVE" method.

At least three times now, after getting the Generic File Error, I use CTL-S and it works. This seems to be better than the Repeat Unti It Works Method, which sometimes has not worked.

Anybody have the Generic File Error using CTL-S? Of course its not as handy as the save all, but....
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 35 of 61
I practially only use the Ctrl-S. I get the Generic file I/O error quite often but keep repeating the Ctrl-S and eventually it saves.  Once or twice it hasn't been successful, but then I run the Procmon as mentioned by someone on this thread previously and my save is successful.
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 61
Never mind then, I guess I just got lucky!
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 37 of 61


LabVIEW 8.2.1f4 is available to the public and includes a fix to the VI Save issue described in this thread.  Please visit LabVIEW Base Package 8.2.1 - Windows/2000/Vista x64/Vista x86/XP - 8.2.1f4 Patch to read more about the patch and the issues that it resolves.

Thanks to all for your patience!

Travis H.
National Instruments
Message 38 of 61
Excellent! I've installed it at my workstation, but haven't done enough work yet to see how well the fix works.

What about 8.5? I received my update discs about 4~6 weeks ago. Will that version require patching?
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 39 of 61

I haven't had the problem since I switched to 8.5.


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Message 40 of 61