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Is there anyone using cRIO 9047 and NI 9862 or NI 9853 for CAN communication?

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Hello community,

I am new to this community and also to LabView. 

I am having trouble setting up a cRIO 9047 and a NI 9862 for CAN communication on my test rig, loading in databases of customer equipment.

I just want to ask you if both modules work together. I also have a NI 9853 CAN Module as a plan b.

As I understand it, the NI 9853 doesn't support XNET. having a look in the examples for this module shows xnet components. 

What can I actually do with both modules and what would you reccomend for the outlined tasks? Maybe someone has some experience the the components.

Many thanks in advance!


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Message 1 of 4

You are right that NI-985x does not support NI-XNET and you must use FPGA to program it.

It is possible to run NI-985x in FPGA and NI-986x at the RT VI using NI-XNET at the same time.

I recommend you stick with NI-XNET and NI-9862 as it is way easier to do the programming using NI-XNET.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author gubernator94



@ZYOng wrote:

You are right that NI-985x does not support NI-XNET and you must use FPGA to program it.

I recommend you stick with NI-XNET and NI-9862 as it is way easier to do the programming using NI-XNET.

IMHO the NI9853 is perfect when those conditions are met:

  • you can program the FPGA of your cRIO (you need a license and some experience for CAN and LV-FPGA)
  • you communicate with a fixed set of devices using a known set of messages: then it's very easy to filter for needed messages inside the module or using the FPGA and you can accurately send CAN messages using the FPGA timing…

The NI9853 has the advantage of "two CAN ports in one module"…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 3 of 4

The disadvantage of NI-9853 is that it does not support CAN FD. If you want two CAN ports on a single slot, you can opt for NI-9860 and two units of TRC-8452 as well.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 4 of 4