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Is it possible to write an application in LabVIEW (2020+) that has a hidden panel and that will not flash at launch after being compiled to exe?

As I mentioned at the beginning, the app will have two modes: standard with gui and with hidden gui. However, gui will be displayed after parsing input parameters from which one specifies the mode. So, flashing window will look silly.


Let's not start judging the whole architecture now Rolf, but let's focus on the question asked because it's starting to get offtopic.

Michał Bieńkowski

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0 Kudos
Message 11 of 31



Did you try configuring the VI's start-up position to be  off-screen? This means the VI server sets the top-left corner of the VI window to be off-screen before running the VI.


The  to show the GUI, open the FP programmatically and then move the FP to be within the screen.


Anthony L.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 31

@Anthony_L wrote:



Did you try configuring the VI's start-up position to be  off-screen? This means the VI server sets the top-left corner of the VI window to be off-screen before running the VI.


The  to show the GUI, open the FP programmatically and then move the FP to be within the screen.

I'm fairly sure it wouldn't help in this case. When the Fast Format is enabled LabVIEW somehow seems to put the window on screen before it checks the default position and then adjusts the position to that. So you have a quick initial flicker, usually in the upper left corner, then the window disappears into the offscreen position.


As annoying as this may seem, it is a visual glitch, not a crash or security problem, so no priority has been given to it, and so far it always slipped off the todo list (or never really made it onto it), potentially because it is a nasty one to fix properly.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 13 of 31

@rolfk wrote:

@Anthony_L wrote:



Did you try configuring the VI's start-up position to be  off-screen? This means the VI server sets the top-left corner of the VI window to be off-screen before running the VI.


The  to show the GUI, open the FP programmatically and then move the FP to be within the screen.

I'm fairly sure it wouldn't help in this case. When the Fast Format is enabled LabVIEW somehow seems to put the window on screen before it checks the default position and then adjusts the position to that. So you have a quick initial flicker, usually in the upper left corner, then the window disappears into the offscreen position.


As annoying as this may seem, it is a visual glitch, not a crash or security problem, so no priority has been given to it, and so far it always slipped off the todo list (or never really made it onto it), potentially because it is a nasty one to fix properly.

But he said he disabled Fast File format and still got flickering. So there must be something else causing the flickering. 

Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 31

@thols wrote:

@rolfk wrote:

@Anthony_L wrote:



Did you try configuring the VI's start-up position to be  off-screen? This means the VI server sets the top-left corner of the VI window to be off-screen before running the VI.


The  to show the GUI, open the FP programmatically and then move the FP to be within the screen.

I'm fairly sure it wouldn't help in this case. When the Fast Format is enabled LabVIEW somehow seems to put the window on screen before it checks the default position and then adjusts the position to that. So you have a quick initial flicker, usually in the upper left corner, then the window disappears into the offscreen position.


As annoying as this may seem, it is a visual glitch, not a crash or security problem, so no priority has been given to it, and so far it always slipped off the todo list (or never really made it onto it), potentially because it is a nasty one to fix properly.

But he said he disabled Fast File format and still got flickering. So there must be something else causing the flickering. 

LabVIEW will simply show the main VIs's front panels. Regardless FFF.


It's just that with FFF off, setting the transparency off help for me.


You could also try what happens if you turn off the front panel opening in the exe's source file settings. The VI properties get overruled there, and main VIs are set to open their front panel. Maybe that is why transparency set to 100% helped for me.


It might also help to change the run time size to 1X1 (or maybe 20X20 or something 1X1 might give an error). The FP will still show, but most people (except you ) will notice it.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 31

@bienieck wrote:

So, once again, is it technically possible to start LabVIEW-based exe with hidden FP without flickering?

Apparently, no.

Message 16 of 31

wiebe@CARYA wrote:

It might also help to change the run time size to 1X1 (or maybe 20X20 or something 1X1 might give an error). The FP will still show, but most people (except you ) will notice it.

1x1 is (or at least was last time I tried that, but that is quite a few years ago) not possible. LabVIEW has some minimum size and I think it is closer to 40x40 than 20x20.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 17 of 31

@rolfk wrote:

wiebe@CARYA wrote:

It might also help to change the run time size to 1X1 (or maybe 20X20 or something 1X1 might give an error). The FP will still show, but most people (except you ) will notice it.

1x1 is (or at least was last time I tried that, but that is quite a few years ago) not possible. LabVIEW has some minimum size and I think it is closer to 40x40 than 20x20.

Figured as much.


But I don't get any flickering anyway, so I can really test it. My load time is probably too small for my test main. It might still flicker, but so fast I can't see it.


Maybe that would help? Making a dummy splash that has the real main setup as load on first call, so it won't take long to load it.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 31

@bienieck wrote:

I tried with 100% transparency. It doesn't work.


So, once again, is it technically possible to start LabVIEW-based exe with hidden FP without flickering?

I tried in LV2020 and 2022Q3 and it works just fine using 100% transparency. I did as option 2 describes here. Maybe you could share the VI or make a video of the flickering so we can see exactly what is flickering.


I attached the VI and project I tried with (saved to LV2018). The VI just waits 1 second and then displays a dialog.


Or could this be the result when the main VI is bigger and takes time to load? In that case, try loading the main VI dynamically from a minimal startup-VI with transparency set to 100 %.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 31

wiebe@CARYA wrote:

@rolfk wrote:

wiebe@CARYA wrote:

It might also help to change the run time size to 1X1 (or maybe 20X20 or something 1X1 might give an error). The FP will still show, but most people (except you ) will notice it.

1x1 is (or at least was last time I tried that, but that is quite a few years ago) not possible. LabVIEW has some minimum size and I think it is closer to 40x40 than 20x20.

Figured as much.


But I don't get any flickering anyway, so I can really test it. My load time is probably too small for my test main. It might still flicker, but so fast I can't see it.


Maybe that would help? Making a dummy splash that has the real main setup as load on first call, so it won't take long to load it.

That was my initial proposal. But it was shut down as not working, supposedly because they did not want to have a splash screen at all. I figured there was not much use to claim it would work anyways without being able to proof it explicitly and I did not feel like spending time to build that thing if the OP could not be bothered to try it himself.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 20 of 31