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Interop.LabVIEW DLL

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Where can I get a copy of the Interop.LabVIEW DLL for use with C#, or do I have to write my own?

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Message 1 of 13

Do you mean the one registered with the GAC (NationalInstruments.LabVIEW.Interop.dll)?  That should install with the Runtime Engine which you would need anyway.  And since its in the GAC, you shouldn't need your own copy.  Though for reference its in


C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\<version>


Not sure what you would be trying to do with it though.  Generally, you'd be better off building your own interop dll using the App builder.


Message 2 of 13
Ive just checked the references in vs2010 and found somw dlls for labview. the problem now is whwre is the documentation regarding the namespaces, classes and methods that they contain located?
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Message 3 of 13

It's still not clear what you're trying to do. Do you have an interop assembly that someone created for you to use? If so, the classes and methods would be defined by the code that was written, so the documentation would come from the developer, not from NI's help files. If you're trying to use the core interop.labview assembly, I don't understand what you're trying to do with it.

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Message 4 of 13
The project requires:
1. My vi recieving a digital input and then triggering my wpf to start a webcam running.
2. my vi then recieves a second digital input and that triggers my wpf to capture and save an image from the webcam to file or for that image to be sent directly to my vi.
3. the captured image will be compared to a reference image and if the illumination of the object is not the same as that of the reference image my vi will adjust the illumination level of the object (this process will cotinue until the illumination level of the object anf reference image are equal).
4. Once the captured image is equal to the reference image my vi will begin image processing to determine the orientation and feature recognition of the object by comparison to the reference image.
5. if the orientation and/or features of the object are incorrect my vi will send a digital signal to have the object rejected (my vi will also sound an alarm buzzer and start an LED flashing).
6. If the object passes inspection then the orientation and co ordinates of the specific features that need to be identified will be saved to file.
7. With 6 completed or the object rejected my vi will send a signal to my wpf to stop the webcam. and wait for the input signal to start
the whole process all over again.

So i will be using the DLLs that are available via the references window in visual studio 2010. but i dont know what namespaces, classes and methods are available in those DLLs so i bont know how to use them. but i looked on the internet and i think the DLLs that are available via vs2010 are to allow communication between both my wpf and vi via .net objects and/or active x objects.

Ive no idea how to use either and finding anything more than superficial documentation on using either of the above is proving difficult to find (could you point to anything useful on .net and/or active x).

I think ive covered all you wanted to know but if you require more info please let me know, and thank you for trying to help me.

Saving to file isnt a problem but the communication between my vi and c# based wpf is.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

I still don't understand. Are you actually creating a .NET Interop assembly via a LabVIEW project? Or are you trying to call a .NET assembly from LabVIEW. That's the important part. Which way are you going? If you're create a .NET Interop assembly from your LabVIEW code then you are the one defining the classes and methods. This information is not in the NI assemblies. If you are calling a .NET assembly from LabVIEW then you have to look at the documentation for that .NET assembly. If you are trying to call a WPF app, then does that app have a means of being controlled programmatically?

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Message 6 of 13

@smercurio_fc wrote:

I still don't understand. Are you actually creating a .NET Interop assembly via a LabVIEW project? Or are you trying to call a .NET assembly from LabVIEW. That's the important part. Which way are you going? If you're create a .NET Interop assembly from your LabVIEW code then you are the one defining the classes and methods. This information is not in the NI assemblies. If you are calling a .NET assembly from LabVIEW then you have to look at the documentation for that .NET assembly. If you are trying to call a WPF app, then does that app have a means of being controlled programmatically?

I'm trying to call a .net assembly but i can't find the documentation for any of the .net assemblies

If you look at my previous post i need to call labview from a wpf and i need to call my wpf from labview.

I basically need to start my wpf manually and the wpf will start the vi, thats the first communication step.

then when the vi recieves a digital input it will start the wpf webcam running.

so in a nut shell i need to be able to call my vi from my wpf and to be able to call my wpf from my vi.

I would like to avoid writing my own assemblies if possible and just use the assemblies that already exist.

the problem is finding documentation for the assemblies that already exist and documentation

I am also trying to find documentation on how to use labview active x object, .net objects and CIN objects in labview.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

You cannot control a LabVIEW VI from WPF using .NET. You have to use the ActiveX server. The ActiveX server is fully documented in the LabVIEW Help. It has limited capabilities, though.


As for calling .NET from LabVIEW, any documentation on the LabVIEW side relates to calling .NET in general, and not to your specific assembly/application. That documentation would come from you or whoever created the .NET assembly/application you are trying to use.

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Message 8 of 13

Note that in my first comment I am not referring to building the LabVIEW code into a .NET Interop assembly. That's something you can do if you wanted to, and this will allow you to call the VI from your WPF app as a .NET assembly.

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Message 9 of 13

OK. i'll look into it and get back to you in the new year.


Thanks again for all your help and happy christmas.




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Message 10 of 13