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Installer Properties --> Registry: delete a key?

I'd like to help answer the questions regarding registry access under Vista. At  JKI, we recently had to tackle this and other Vista compatibility issues for  VIPM which of course is written in LabVIEW. I have to say with confidence that you can create a Vista compatible application in LabVIEW. You just have to do your homework of course.


For starters, I suggest that anyone wanting to write a LabVIEW application for Vista, please read this document... and any other related documents on that site. Read them a few times until it sinks in. The moral of the story is that you should not write an application that requires elevated privileges on Vista (run as admin). If you do this then you must have a very very good reason to do it. Writing to the registry is not a good enough reason. Applications should not use the registry to store transient data.


Writing to the Registry:

Standard user level applications cannot write to the registry anywhere. If you absolutely must write to the registry then one option is to create a separate small executable that performs the write. This executable can be elevated by including a manifest after the build, or during the build (in LabVIEW 2009). You can call this separate executable from your main executable. When you do this, the end user will see an elevation prompt and will have to approve the registry write action. Using this method, you could also perform a registry delete action.


So, do you really still need to write to the registry? Probably not.

Michael Aivaliotis
VI Shots LLC
Message 21 of 24

Do you see how I have since had my question answered (constructively)?  The dismissal of such questions by Rolf and others like yourself just because they contain the word "Microsoft" (get over it) is not justified and amounts to nothing more than bullying.


I have always been and always will be polite.  I have never been impolite and if you think I have been then I think you're just a bit sensitive.  I found that the answer of Rolf (and your comment) was rude and most importantly - not helpful nor relevant to the topic of this post.


Yourself and Rolf do not control these forums.  If you insist on continuing with this bullying I will not hesistate to report it to NI.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 24

Thanks Michael for the information.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 24

battler. wrote:
I have always been and always will be polite.  I have never been impolite

I don't even know how to respond to this.


Yourself and Rolf do not control these forums.  If you insist on continuing with this bullying I will not hesistate to report it to NI.

Don't let me stop you. Your posts speak for themselves.


Message 24 of 24