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Installation on non labView computer. (The VI is not an executable)

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I've writen a program I now want to run on non developer computers.


I've created an installer which includes as many of the additional installers as possible. 


This installer works fine on other developer computer, but when I try to start the program on non developer computers I get the following error message:


"The VI is not an executable. The full development version of LabView is required to fix the errors."


LabView is completely new to me and I don't know how to procede from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks in advance

Albert Knutsson

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Message 1 of 7

There is a TON of documentation out there on how to make executables and installers. Give these a read to start...

Test Engineer at Moog Inc.

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Message 2 of 7

Silly question!  You have created an .exe file from you Vi and are not trying to run the .vi file?



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Message 3 of 7

Single VI installers I have no problem getting to work. 


The error I got earlier I think is because tried to send my subVIs by creating a shared library which I included in the installer. This only worked for computers with labview on them.


If I dont send these files in a shared library I instead get a bunch of errors looking like this:

Missing external function vcilva.dll:lv_vciEnumDeviceOpen:C in VI


In my project there is a vcilva.dll file under dependencies, which I've seen for other people gets placed in a data folder when building an EXE, mine doesnt. Could this be the source of the issue?


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Message 4 of 7

Hi K,


@K_Albert wrote:

If I dont send these files in a shared library I instead get a bunch of errors looking like this:

Missing external function vcilva.dll:lv_vciEnumDeviceOpen:C in VI


In my project there is a vcilva.dll file under dependencies, which I've seen for other people gets placed in a data folder when building an EXE, mine doesnt. Could this be the source of the issue?


When this DLL is missing (in the correct place) then the VIs (which rely on this DLL) will not be executable…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 5 of 7

@K_Albert wrote:

In my project there is a vcilva.dll file under dependencies, which I've seen for other people gets placed in a data folder when building an EXE, mine doesnt. Could this be the source of the issue?

If it is under dependencies in the project, it's seen as an external dll, and not included in the build.


If you add it to the project (as file, or as part of an auto populating folder, or as file in a class or library), it might.


You can also add it to the "always include" list in the build spec. That should put it in the data directory if it isn't included automatically.

Message 6 of 7
Accepted by wiebe@CARYA

Turns out that the vcilva was from a 4.0 version of the USB-CAN driver, while the subVIs I was trying to run was asking for a 3.5 version. Downgrading the USB-CAN drivers to an older version solved the problem! 


Thanks everyone for all the input and help!

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Message 7 of 7