OK, I think that we are on the same page here...
I am not wedded 100% to a photorealistic image of the toggle/cover, but want to "improve" in the current solution where switch 1 "enables" switch 2... (yes, I just wired the 2 in series)
The Indicator is a trivial exercise... but the 2 stage button... not so much
you said, in part...
You can also hide (property node -> visible?) safety cover after it has been pressed and move it back after 1-2 seconds. Instead of the button you can use slider that you need to move with mouse to "unlock". If you want to absolutely avoid accidental clicks, you can hide safety cover 1 second after it has been pressed, or require user to hold it for 1 second to "open".
so I am curious... Are you envisioning an image sitting "on top of" the switch? toggling it somehow removes it (hides it or moves it over)
If so, can you provide a simple .vi showing how I could do that?