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How to modify the cursor palette size in a waveform graph programmaticaly in LabVIEW8

In previous version of LabVIEW it vas possible to create reference to cursor panel (array) so it was possible to resize, change number of rows, in it. It will be useful for me to have reference to TreeControl contained in cursor legend. How to create this reference? The method described in the manual works for scale legend but not work for cursors panel.
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Message 1 of 6
You're right that you can no longer right-click on the cursor legend to get property nodes, however, I think you can get access to all the functionality you are looking for by using a property node for the graph itself.  Attached is a code snipet (not executable) which shows many of the cursor properties which you have access to via this route.
I think this is what you are looking for!
Best Regards,
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Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your answer and part of code. But it is not the case I am interested in. I would like to change the cursor panel appearance and content programmatically for example the number of rows displayed, the number formatting type and precision, the number and size of columns and so on. I suppose that some of it is not possible even in design mode. I am afraid I have lost these possibilities after upgrading to LV8.


Best regards,


Message 3 of 6
I understand - I did a quick test and seem to have, unfortunately, verified your suspicion.  The test was to open a VI in 8.0 which was built in version 7.1 that exposed Cursor Legend properties.  When I did so, I received a message indicating that "Property and invoke nodes created from a graph's cursor legend have been deleted as a result of the new graph cursor legend having no VI Server interface."  The jpeg below collects the windows of this test and shows this:
We can both submit a product suggestion to R&D on this from the Contact NI page (click "feedback" in the lower left corner), and hopefully future versions can include some of that older functionality.  I think the fundamental problem here is that the underlying datatype of the cursor legend has changed.
Sorry about that and I hope it doesn't significantly affect your development with LabVIEW 8.0
Best Regards,
Ps - I'll raise this in a meeting with R&D this afternoon and report any workarounds, although I'm not optimistic there will be any.

Message Edited by JLS on 06-28-200602:13 PM

Message Edited by JLS on 06-28-2006 02:24 PM

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Message 4 of 6

Thank you JLS once again.

In my opinion the cursor palette at list should have the following functionality:


  1. Automatic resizing of the panel while adding and removing cursors programmatically (like plot legend)

  2. Positioning the panel programmatically (like plot legend)

  3. Hiding any columns and rows. For example when I hide one of the cursors (let say the second one, not necessary the last one) also this one should disappear from cursors panel, removing cursor from cursor list might be inconvenient. If I have one cursor and not enough room to show cursor panel I can not hide the cursor name column that is unusable but occupies place on the panel

  4. Altering number of column and rows programmatically. If my cursors serve for selecting part of the signal to be processed (for example trimming signal) it is sense less to show cursors Y position

  5. Hiding cursor navigator, it works very badly (try to move cursor only to the next measurement point to select exactly for example 10000 points), so I move it under other controls.

  6. Formatting data displayed


Having additional elements (coming from underlying tree control) is not necessary in several cases. Life will be much more pleasant if it will be possible to get reference to this tree control.


By the way it is possible to customize this palette. In design mode configure WaveformGraf to show cursor legend. Select it and then select from menu “Customize control…” Now you can do whatever you (I) want, for example change the column name from X to Time. Save your work, if prompted replace original with just designed and… nothing changes – funny isn’t it?

Best regards,


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Message 5 of 6
Your comments would make a great product suggestion (see the link in my previous post) so you should definitely copy and paste them into the feedback form - this goes directly to R&D!  I see the same behavior as you do when you say:
"By the way it is possible to customize this palette. In design mode configure WaveformGraf to show cursor legend. Select it and then select from menu “Customize control…” Now you can do whatever you (I) want, for example change the column name from X to Time. Save your work, if prompted replace original with just designed and… nothing changes – funny isn’t it?"
It is interesting, and I have filed a corrective action request on the matter to have it formally reviewed and addressed if necessary.
Sorry that the changes are causing you problems, but your suggestions will be well received I think!
Thank you,
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Message 6 of 6