09-27-2011 07:57 AM
09-27-2011 08:02 AM
I want to store all the 8 possible switching states in one table i.e. 8 rows and 3 columns.
It doesnot matter which sequence comes first.
Please see the attachment above
09-27-2011 08:23 AM
This is an offshoot of your original post: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Digial-Waveform-Graph-Samples/m-p/1713714
Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is no more clear than what you were saying there, despite your statement "The attachment clearly shows my end application."
All I can tell is you the following with regards to the basic operation:
09-27-2011 08:47 AM
Do you have an example to show of "Create an array which is your row (only one Build Array), and use the Replace Array Subset to replace a row" somewhat related to what i have.
Even if i have that, would it allow me have number of samples (on x axis of digital waveform graph) if i am switchin the boolean functions.
09-27-2011 01:21 PM
See attached example. Note that this example is purely for demonstration. The VI is completely meaningless and I don't see how it helps you in doing whatever it is that you are trying to do, which you haven't really explained all that well.
09-28-2011 09:11 AM
I am sorry but i hope this time you can get a better idea of what iam trying to say.
I have created a boolean array of switching sequence and feeding them into digital data.For example if i switch a, b and c in 100 sequence but i would like to repeat this sequence six times. I have already done this manually but i would like to know if its possible to feed in the numeric control value of Number of Cycle 100. This means what ever the numeric value is in the numeric control, the number of samples for the 100 would be that much.
09-28-2011 11:16 AM
Take a look at the attached vi. Note that numeric control # samples controls how many times the pattern is repeated for each step.
09-28-2011 01:57 PM
thats pretty much it.
But is it possbile to get rid of the # Samples from cluster of two elements since i want to feed in the sample values that i calculate as explained in my last attachment.
Which may require a seperate 1d array for # Sample, and to specify which row i want to feed in a required value. Can we use Get Matrix Elements for this puprose or etcc......
thanks a lot
09-28-2011 02:29 PM
09-28-2011 02:31 PM