@raphschru wrote:
Also, what do you mean by "it doesn't work" ?
- Is the JPEG file not created ?
- Do you get an error ?
- Is the image not up-to-date compared to the data being written to the graph ?
By "it doesn't work", I mean the image is not up-to-date. It keeps giving me the last seen plots until I display the page.
The VI you shared works fine. I directly copied the waveform charts taking waveform data (t0, interval, data) which I use in the actual project to your VI and it worked, too. To make it more similar to my project, I created another VI with tab pages. One of the pages has a subpanel that calls your VI. It still works with such nested tab controls. I didn't have to show the plot page to get up-to-date images. In the actual project, the main Actor Core has tab pages with subpanels that call other Actor Cores. I am still trying to figure out what is causing this difference.