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How do I remove the y value from the cursor palette?

Hi Guys

I was wondering how do you remove the y value from the cursor palette?

Thank you.
Message 1 of 17
You can't remove the Y value, but you can reduce its size to a minimum, and then make it transparent with the paint brush.
See the attached vi.
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 2 of 17
You can also right click the Y-value -> goto "Advanced" -> and select "Hide control".

If this is what you meant!

Message 3 of 17
Well done BJK, you teched me a new thing about graphs. Whe everything has been hidden, do you know a way to make things re-appear ? Or is it a one-way modification ?

Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 4 of 17
Whe everything has been hidden, do you know a way to make things re-appear ?


1)right click on the cursor palette and create a reference.

2) Use property node to get ref to ArrElem

3) Use "To more specific" to type cast as a generic cluster.

4) Peoperty node to get "Controls[]" and then index out the cluster element you want to touch.

Now for a follow-up Q.

What are all of the names of the widgets that can show up in a cursor palette?

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 5 of 17
is that something that you discovered just now, or is it something from a previous war loot ?
Anyway, this is really a good catch !

There are 14 different undocumented sub-controls, that can appear in the cursor legend control.
The values of the first ones correspond to various bit settings (line with, cursor type, lock to plot...). By playing with the others I have succeded in changing the cursor name position, relative to the cursor. Nice. But now I don't know where the name as gone. I have lost it completely !

By the way, this is a mean to hide the cursor legend buttons.
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 6 of 17
First results, published in a hurry, before Ben gives a complete detailled answer, just to grab some stars :

9 : vertical cursor position (pixels, absolute coordinates)
10 : horizontal cursor position (pixels, absolute coordinates)
13 : cursor name height (pixels)
14 : cursor name width (pixels)
15 : vertical cursor name position (pixels, absolute coordinates)
16 : horizontal cursor name position (pixels, absolute coordinates)

There is probably here a way of managing the cursor name position, a feature that I have been searching for very often...
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 7 of 17

LabView is becomming more and more fun every day!!!

Message 8 of 17
" that something that you discovered just now, or is it something from a previous war loot ?

A little of both.

I knew I could get at properties of graph sub-object by creating a reference for same by right-clicking.

I only tried getting at the cluster elements as a result of this thread.

I was suprised to see so many elements show up. As far as what they are...

I was hoping someone else would figure that out!

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 9 of 17
Using Ben's findings, it is possible to play with the cursor name position.

Attached is a small vi, with an horrible wiring, that shows that the name can be kept in the graph pane, whatever the cursor position, instead of being hidden on one side or the other.
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
Message 10 of 17