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How do I download Instrument I/O Assistent for Labview 8.0 ?

Thank you Chris. I send a feedback to your support team. Hopefully there will be an available download link to the current Instrument I/O Assistent in the near future.

0 Kudos
Message 51 of 68
I have downloaded and installed labview_8.5.exe . n i'm installing driver CD November 2006 too.  When I try to use the Instrument I/O Assistant I get and error message that says "Measurement & Automation Explorer or the I/O Assistant is not installed correctly.  Please install these from the Labview Driver CD."  I do not have Cds.  Is there another file I need to download from NI ?  Is all of Labview 8.5 and its support files downloadedable?Thank u....Smiley Happy
0 Kudos
Message 52 of 68
As far as I can see the Instrument I/O Assistent of latest device driver release from May 2007 doesn't support LabVIEW 8.5. You can check your installation by running following setup: "\DCD-Aug06-1\Products\IIOA\IIOA\iioa.msi". Will there be released a new set of drivers with support for LabVIEW 8.5?
Message 53 of 68
Hello Chris,

I have tried installing all the drivers separately but continue to get the same error message that the 11 or more people before me in this thread are getting.  It seems like once they all downloaded the Device Drivers from the ftp site, their problems were fixed....

Could you upload the device drivers to the ftp site again so that I can download them?

Thank you,
0 Kudos
Message 54 of 68

Hi whimboo,

Yes, the next release of the driver CD (coming soon) will have full support for LabVIEW 8.5, including the Instrument I/O Assistant.

Have a great day!

Chris R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 55 of 68
Hi Jason,
Of course!  I have uploaded the May 2007 driver CD on the ftp site in a folder called "## Driver CD May 07 ##".
Have fun and happy instrument controlling!

Message Edited by Chris_R. on 08-15-2007 05:48 PM

Chris R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 56 of 68
Chris, than it would be nice if you could give as a hint when the new version is released. If you even can upload it to the FTP server most of us would be really lucky. Cheers Henrik
Message 57 of 68

Thank you for the drivers!  They fixed it!

Message 58 of 68
Hi whimboo,
Shh! Don't tell anybody, but I just checked and the driver CDs are now downloaded from our Drivers and Updates section of  🙂  Ok, so you can tell anybody you want about them and you can access them by clicking here and searching for "device drivers" in the search field.  Or, just click here.  You should be able to download different versions, including the latest release of the CD.
I hope this helps you out and anybody else needing the driver as well!  Although, I have grown quite fond of this thread! Smiley Very Happy
Anyway, let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Have a great day!
Chris R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 59 of 68
Chris, that's really awesome! Thank's for all your work on that issue. I'm downloading the device drivers right now. All works fine. And I will tell it to anybody who needs it... 😉


Message 60 of 68