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Hidden Controls

Sending attachments with outlook express never was a problem before (a few months ago). That's progress for you!

I was not aware I was using NNTP newsgroups (I don't have a clue what they are)...


"Molly K" <> wrote in message
Hello all:
There are three known issues with attachments:1 - Cannot attach files larger than 5MB.2&nbsp;- If you are posting in the forums, and you preview your post, you will need to readd your attachment before submitting your post.3&nbsp;- Files attached using the NNTP newsgroups are not sent to the forums.
These are all still on the list of things that we would like fixed, but I don't have timelines on any of them.&nbsp; The first is the highest priority of the three
0 Kudos
Message 31 of 52

Wiebe -

Since you are accessing the forums via Outlook Express, you are actually using the NNTP Newsgroups.  Basically, if you use anything other than the Web pages at to interact with the NI Discussion Forums (ie. Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, Usenet, Outlook Express, etc), you are using NNTP.

Molly K.
Web Support & Operations Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 32 of 52

wiebe@CARYA wrote:

Perhaps now it shows up (I use now).


I must say I liked the way your VI worked out of the tools menu and the look was nice as well.

But, as often happens with LabVIEW control & indicator arrays, I really wish NI would add scroll bars to them!
That inspired me to take your work and modify it a bit to use a listbox, which can be scrolled, instead of the array of strings and booleans.
You can double-click a row in the listbox to toggle the visibility state of the associated control (or you can use a button that appears when a row is selected).
Thanks for the inspiration and the great start!
0 Kudos
Message 33 of 52

OK, I have finally moved beyond v7.1.1 and am getting to know my way around 8.5.1 and have discovered that the little tool in the preceeding post no longer works like it did in v7.1.1.   In v7.1.1 it lived at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\project\Show & Hide   and I could call it up from a VI's "Tools" menu and it started, ran, found the current VI's front panel and then I could use it with that VI. It made use of an "AllVIs" in memory property, coupled with "FP.IsFrontMost" to do this.

Now however, in LV v8.x, the AllVIs property no longer means "AllVIs" but rather All VIs in a private little universe and the "Tools" universe seems to not intersect the current development projects universe. I have found and tinkered with a "VIMemory Get VIs in" but have not had much luck there because the VI lists it returns represents several universes and each has its own front-most VI.

Can anyone tell me how to identify the current front-most VI from a Microsoft Windows XP perspective and access it it from a tool VI running off in its own little private universe??? 

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 52
You've run into application instances. There's a property for getting the instance you want, but I don't remember what it is off hand. It should be available through a vi.lib VI. Have a look at the Code Capture Tool to see how we did it there.

Try to take over the world!
Message 35 of 52

Thank you! That did it.

Here's what was needed:

Message Edited by Warren Massey on 08-06-2008 08:33 AM
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 52

2 years later. I'm using Labview 2009.

NI nothing had done to fix this problem. This is poor grade...

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 52

What isn't working?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 38 of 52

I miss the function or possibility to unhide the hidden controls.

A better solution is to make the "hidden" control not really hidden (during edit mode) but gray out or something like that.

But there is nothing happened during the last years...

0 Kudos
Message 39 of 52

@User32654823 wrote:

I miss the function or possibility to unhide the hidden controls.

A better solution is to make the "hidden" control not really hidden (during edit mode) but gray out or something like that.

But there is nothing happened during the last years...



I am NOT NI nor do I work for them or play a NI rep on TV.

LV is a product produced by a public company. Ni has an obligation to its investors to turn a profit for them. Invetsing time and money into an issue that can be handled in other ways or that are rare will not serve the bottom line and the shareholders best interest.


That haveing been said, can you make a case for making this a priority?


I do have the ear of R&D and they will listen to a good case and change the priorities IF you can make a good case for your request.


So aside from the calendar, why is this a failing grade?


Not trying to bust on you. Only trying to be pragmatic one user to another.





Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 40 of 52