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Going crazy over staled f***** array values

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Need some seriouse help now.

My goal is to build an array everytime a true button is pressed.


1. Create an array based on values programitlitly beeing passed into the array

2. This should happen everytime  when a boolean value goes true.

3.The array building function should wait 6 s before storing it into the array when the value goes true


My problem is that when i press True, and i start changing the  start value(lets say 0) to desired value i want it to be(lets say 5)  before 6 second passes, the value passed to the array after 6 seconds is the start value 0 not the dessired value 5. This value appeares the next time i push the true button.

It drives me crazy

And the desired value needs to come inside  from an sequense structure because of the structure of the main VI(this is just a snippet of that cose)


HELP plz!!!!!

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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author torkil

Probably this should solve your problem.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
Message 2 of 5

Hmm, deja vu


Oh for crying out loud, keep it all in the same place

- Cheers, Ed
Message 3 of 5

That would actually be this as the original post:


torkil: we don't like people who create duplicate posts. It's the fastest way of getting ignored.

Message 4 of 5


I have a deadline in 2 days to get project together,kinda stressed.

Have used 40 hours on this issue so i snapped a little bit ,sorry

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Message 5 of 5