03-30-2016 09:39 AM
it's been bugging me for a while and now it's getting to be a major burden for us: LabVIEW development system fails to run a VI on the target cRIO for no apparent reason.
The target is connected, there are no broken VIs, so there is no apparent reason for this behavior. Strangely enough, it works "sometimes" but more often it does not.
Note: I mean to RUN a VI and not to deploy a built.
Unfortunately, LabVIEW doesn't give me anything to work with (error description etc.). There are two basic scenarios (outcome of the deployment):
Another note: remote panel and another similar workarounds are very tedious as we have to rebuild upon each change, which takes up to 10 minutes in our case.
Also, we need full-fledged debugging features.
I'm running LabVIEW 2014 with cRIO 9068. The bug also appears with LabVIEW SP1.
Can anybody help? Any hint would be appreciated, this bug (or whatever it is) really turns our development into a nightmare.
07-28-2016 12:37 AM
I've seen some strange behaviours caused by the firewall though never had the problem that you described. Maybe disabling it will help.
08-03-2016 08:25 AM
That's a good hint LucianM, thanks. We have indeed a restrictive firewall running. Unfortunatelly, we can't change it easily due to corporate IT policies.
08-03-2016 11:19 AM
Can you try connecting with a USB cable, at least during development?
08-08-2016 02:57 AM
gregotyj, do you mean to simulate Ethernet over USB a'la http://www.ni.com/white-paper/52223/en/?
Then, the firewall remains an issue, does it not?
08-08-2016 08:54 AM
I have the same problems as well and I think it has something to do with RT Linux.
RT Linux is the youngest of the NI RT operating systems, the older being VxWorks en Pharlab, it is also by far the most buggy.
I get a reliable deploy when:
1. Save all VI's and the project.
2. Completely close all VI's and the project.
3. Open project
4. In the project library pull down menus select: Tools -> Advanced -> Clear Compiled Object Cache... -> Delete
5. Open en start RT Main
It takes some time, but it is reliable.
Hope this helps.