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Execute unit tests accross projects

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I'd like to automatically start tests accross multiple projects.


Here is the scenario: given projects A,B,C, ... developed independently, and say the developer of A introduces a change that affects B and C and maybe other projects too; now, I'd like to re-run all unit tests in A, B, C, ... to see if A's change results in errors in B, C or in any other project.


I thought of creating an umbrella project containing all tests from A, B, C, ... in auto fill folders but: 1) auto fill folders need to be added manually and I'd like to have a general solution; 2) auto fill folders seem to be buggy or at least they don't refresh themselves as expected; anyways, 1) is already a show stopper.


Can LabVIEW be scripted? Any other solutions?





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Did you try playing with the "Unit Test Framework" VIs available in LabVIEW? I think that will give you what you expect.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 2 of 5

It depends what you mean by "playing" with the Unit Test Framework (UTF). Yes, we're using UTF for our tests.


A possible solution that just appeared to me is to store all tests (of projects A, B, C, ...) in a separate test project and use UTF's "run all tests" feaure to execute the tests. Any thoughts to that?





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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by bokorpet



P@Anand referred to the API VIs from the UTF... You can use them to load unit tests and execute them independently of the project.



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
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Message 4 of 5

Thanks guys!

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