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Error Message

Hi Gavin


I looked under the directory you specified (Nonlinear curve fit" -> "LM get new" -> "Matrix left" -> "Real SVD") with my copy of LabVIEW 8.0 and 8.6 neither of these contained the "Real SVD decomposition", the only VI displayed was just SVD decomposition as seen in the attached image. Inside the function you will find a dll call, you could try running this DLL call by itself and seeing if you still get the error when constants are inputted. It is possible that something may be corrupt and you may want to try reinstalling LabVIEW.



Thank You
Eric Reid
National Instruments
Motion R&D
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 16

We have now uninstalled, run msiblast (as suggested elsewhere) and reinstalled - and it still occurs.


As for the presence or otherwise of "Real SVD decomposition.  It is true it is listed as "SVDdecomposition" in the backpanel of "Matrix left divisionMV" but when you open it, it is called "Real SVD decomposition".


By "running the call by itself" do you mean copy that  function node into a new vi and provide it with some reasonable data and see if it crashes?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

To follow up to that.  If you copy the function call and paste in some numbers it runs with no error.  I can back out through the vi's with "dummy" data and it works fine up to a point.  Looks like its something wrong with the way it is handling bad data.  In fact I have just spotted that this error is thrown when I run it on another machine too.  For reference the ellipse parameters are a= 0.6,b=0.3,x0=0.1,y0=0.2,noise=0.021, max iteration=4000, tolerance=1e-8.  I believe these are all default.

It seems to throw the error on the first pass through "Nonlinear curve fit LM".

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

Hi Gavin


I ran the function using the parameters specified (they were indeed the default settings) and got the following result. w



I think there might be a problem coming from your I have attached my own copy of it from my machine. Try calling this as your function instead.

Thank You
Eric Reid
National Instruments
Motion R&D
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16
sorry for the long silence, this slipped off my radar.  We tried copying your version of onto the problematic machine and the problem is still there....we have run out of ideas!
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

Hi Gavin,


What NI software do you have installed on this system? What is the OS (Service Pack?)? Do you have any other versions of LabVIEW on the system you can try?


I tried it on 8.0 and it worked on my machine. It is strange.

Jeff | LabVIEW Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 16