08-05-2016 12:57 PM
Hello all,
I am trying to set up a cDAQ-9137 for continuous data capture and logging. I have an external USB hard drive attached to the cDAQ. However, when I try to output a file to the harddrive, it gives me an Error 8:
"LabVIEW: File permission error. You do not have the correct permissions for the file.
NI-488: DMA hardware error detected."
When I save it to the cDAQ's built in memory, it works. I've attached an image of my labview block diagram. How do I change permissions on the USB hard drive? I can access the cDAQ both through the web browswer and through putty.
Thank you,
08-05-2016 01:12 PM
It is not by chance a USB drive with a "write-protect" switch on it?
08-05-2016 02:12 PM
Ben: No, this is a fat32 usb drive.
08-05-2016 03:05 PM
Do you have permissions set? What OS are you running on the 9137, Windows or linux? Are you writing to a subdirectory?
08-05-2016 03:13 PM
mikeporter: my cDAQ is using linux. I can access it through the web browser, and through putty. Through putty I set the ownership of the external hard drive to lvuser, but I am still getting the permissions error. Is there another way to set folder permissions?
08-05-2016 03:44 PM