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Error 50103 The specified Resource is Reserved

Hi all,
First things first, I've reviewed almost all the posts on the same error and does not fit my case. I am checking out two PCI NI-4472 boards. The are both in PCI slots of the computer. Board 1 works fine in Measurement and Automation. You can start the DAQmx test panels, over and over again no problems. Board 2 on the other hand isn't so friendly. After the computer has been turned on or rebooted, Board 2 works fine. Reads continuously with no problems, as soon as you stop the test panels, the green start button gets disabled, and the computer begins to act sluggish. If you close the test panels and reopen them, the start button is not greyed out anymore but when you do hit it, the Error 50103 Specified Resource is Reserved. The only way to get it back up, is to shut down and restart again. It seems as if the board is not being stopped. If you try to shut down the computer it will eventually just freeze and the need to be powered off, and turned back on.
Another thing noticed was that after closing the test panels, the process NIDMFPAN is still in the task manager and can not be closed. You can keep trying to end the program but it will continuously stay there. Anyone have suggestions?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 15
Hi Jay,
Just to check something with you, have to used the following KB and done what it suggests and still get the error?
I will continue to look into this for you now,
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15
Link is bad, I can not get to the site. Cannot find server. Check the link and see if it was copied correctly please. Thanks
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

Sorry about that, this is the public link to that KB:


Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15
Yeah I reviewed all that material. We are not trying to use the board in LabVIEW just yet. We simply were trying for functionality in Measurement and Automation Explorer. The supplied software with LabVIEW. Both boards show up in the explorer and device one we can run the test panels, (under Daqmx) continuous sampling on dev1/ai0 no problem. After a fresh Boot up, dev2/ai0 works fine, after you stop the sampling, the start button greys out and will not allow you to start it again. Its as if the stop function in the DAQmx Test Panels doesn't stop the board. You can close out of the test panels and open them up again, but when you sample, the error comes up. Which is why I think the test panels are not closing out the sampling. It will allow you to run it once after everythign has been reinitialized but if you want to do it more than once, then it doesn't like it. If we reverse the cards the same thing happens. It may be the PCI bus we are looking into it. Thanks for the effort in helping.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

Hi Jay,

There is a chance that this is an error inside MAX, a few issues exist with resource reserved but under seperate hardware. If you could tell me which version of MAX you are using that would be great, and I will look into this as a possible error with MAX once your sure it's not the PCI bus causing the error.


Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15


We are using MAX They did not install all products, such as LabVIEW. Just MAX was installed. Hope this helps.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

MAX version doesn't have these particular errors showing up on our database, if you can check that 1 board is ok in the PCI slot on it's own, and then if you can reproduce the error on board 2 in the same PCI slot as board 1 was in, then my suggestion would be to ring into N.I. and request a return as the board is most probably faulty.



Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15

Hi Jay,

It is highly unlikely that the problem you are seeing is due to MAX.  I also would not recommend that you send your device in for repair just yet until we have a better understanding of the problem.  Could you please let me know the following information:

  • What operating system are you using?
  • If you switch the card into another slot, do you still see the same problem?
  • What version of NI-DAQmx are you using?
  • What computer are you using? 
  • Is it possible for you to check whether this problem can be reproduced on another computer (if the problem still occurs when you move the card to a different slot)?
  • If you attempt a finite read instead of a continuous read, do you see the same problem?

I would like to attempt to reproduce the issue you are seeing to further investigate what is going wrong here, so if you could provide that information it would be very helpful.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15


What a coincidence, Linda and I are working on the same problem. I decided to try the Forums for help first but she must have called for help when I was out. So if you want, we can work through her emails. She forwarded me the email and I recognized your name. So I guess there is no need to duplicate efforts, since we work together. If a solution does arise, I will repost the solution so more people can see if it happens. Thanks for the help.


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Message 10 of 15