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Error 1074396080 when trying to save image with info.

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I am using the overlay oval to mark a colored oval on a gray scale imaq image (I16). That works fine. When I try to save this image with the info i get the above error. I tried to flatten the image that gave the same error. casting the image to RGB resulted with same error. I also tried saving the image as tiff/png prior to the overlay and got the same error. Any ideas what am i doing wrong?

The problem is in the event structure ((1) mouse down).


Thanks 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Dear Edith,


the vi you provided includes Several Race Conditions that prevent a proper operation of your vi. Even after cleaning up some of them there is still an error remaining, which differs from the one you are referring too. Please provide a very small example vi that reproduces the error you are talking about.

Fabian Wehnekamp
Senior Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Here is a small vi (test), which opens a float array (mean_processed), converts it into an image, displays the image and then when I try to save it I get the error message again.

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by edith_chorev

Dear Edith,


in the vi you attached you are trying to write the png to a folder and not to a file itself. Your filepath "C:\data\170615\testing" should be named something like "C:\data\170615\testing\test.png". If you give the correct filepath, your error should vanish.



Fabian Wehnekamp
Senior Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4