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Drawing a pattern inside an XY Graph



I'm in a project where curves of Density for some mixed materials are plotted on an XY graph.


We are taking samples for different materials during numerous experiments and from a sensor attached to labview we get the desired data into arrays and then into the curves and I have abosolutely no problem with that.


In each cycle we mix various percentage of known materials (for example 20% Material 1 + 80% Material 2) and then we get results ,and then another cycle (50% Material 1+50% Material 3) and then we get results.


We have a legend containing colors (or patterns) representing each material ,and then we represent these percentage graphically on the X-Axis of the curves against the plotted data (but till now we do that manually by photo editing).


Is there any function of any kind in labview where I can programatically color or draw a pattern inside an XY graph on certain intervals?


I used my photoshop skills to make a photo of the expected result of what I'm looking for.


You can see in the photo for example from X=9 to X=10.5 I have a mixture of three materials (yellow ,green and red patterns) where the yellow is about 50% of the sample and the rest is distributed between the green and red pattern ,and then the percentages get different along the x-axis with different samples.


I know I may sound imaginary ,but this process when done manually is a very exhausting process on the user to draw it (after exporting an image from the XY Graph) ,so automating such process will be a great success for this vi.


I have no problem also to draw on another graph and then stack that side by side with the plotted curves ,I only want the x-axis values to match each other along the data being written


I'm open to any out of the box ideas.


Thanks in advance people.

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Message 1 of 7

You can draw on any graph using the "plot images" property. This allows you to use all 2D picture control features.


(Some examples can be found in the links of this idea)


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Message 2 of 7

The plot image property inserts an image in the plot area of the graph ,and I can see also in the examples in the link that there's some kind of a vi that can move the image (instead of the top left corner of the plot area) to any other place on the plot area.


However ,I need to actually tie the image to coordinates on the graph and not the plot area ,the graph updates in realtime with the data coming and the maximimum and minimum of the graph changes too ,so i need the image also to move with the data.



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Message 3 of 7

There are methods to convert between xy values and coordinates. (details)

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Message 4 of 7

Back to the original problem, you could just add a few more plots using fill options to create solid areas (e.g. fill to inf etc.). Do you really need patterns?

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Message 5 of 7

No ,I think I may get things done with only filling ? how actually its done ??

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Message 6 of 7