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Data Dashboard stops working when I remove my USB cable from the laptop

I have created a LabVIEW application (having host VI and an FPGA vi which runs in cRIO 9037), which I was trying to run using the Data Dashboard app instead of a laptop. In LabVIEW, I created the shared variables of all the control switches and indicators that I need, then I created a new real-time application and followed the following steps: Deploy>Build> Set as Startup> Run as Startup. With this, I can control my application using the Data Dashboard and visualize the data as well. However, when I remove the USB cable (which I used to connect my laptop to cRIO), the data dashboard app does not work. But, when I connect the USB back to my laptop, data dashboard works again.


I can't figure out what is going wrong.

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Message 1 of 5

When you unplug the USB cable from the cRIO, do you have any Ethernet connection on the cRIO that would allow communication between the cRIO and laptop?

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Message 2 of 5

No. There's no any other connection between cRIO and Laptop.

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Message 3 of 5

So how do you expect Data Dashboard to get updated data when you break the only data communication path with the cRIO?

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Message 4 of 5

My bad, I didn't explain it in detail. I have created a wireless network with cRIO 9037 through which I am able to communicate data dashboard to cRIO/Labview (I want to communicate/control wirelessly through ipad). When I deployed my code from my laptop to the cRIO, I was expecting that I can remove the USB and control fully wirelessly. But, when I remove the USB cable connected to laptop, my data dashboard doesn't work and when I plug the USB back, I can control wirelessly. I don't even need to open or run the code in laptop for the data dashboard to work, only plugging in the USB is enough.


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Message 5 of 5