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Convert.ToByte and logical masks, from VB to LabVIEW

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Hi guys,


I have to write a VI communicating via RS232 with a microcontroller for a PWM application. A colleague has given me the GUI he has developpd in VB and I would like to integrate it into my LabVIEW programme by converting the VB code into Labview code.  Here's the code:




Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loadButton.Click
        Dim bufLen As Integer = 12      // Buffer length
        Dim freq As Integer = 0      // frequency
        Dim pWidth As Integer = 0      // pulse width
        Dim dac As Integer = 0       // Value used in oscillator setting for generating pulse frequency
        Dim addr As Integer = 0      // Address of the pulse width in the pulse generator.
        Dim rTime As Integer = 0      // duration of machining/pulse train in ms.
        Dim returnValue As Byte = 0      // A variable for storing the value returned by the 
                                                       //microcontroller after it receives some data
        Dim buffer(bufLen) As Byte       // creates an array of bytes with 12 cells => buffer size = 8 x12 = 96 bits
// can you explain a bit please I know you're converting the entered values into byte and put them one by one in a specific order. This order is how the 
//microcontroller expects them
            addr = (Floor((pWidth - Tinh) / Tinc)) // Formula from hardware, calculates address setting for pulse generator to set pulse width.
            buffer(0) = Convert.ToByte(Floor(3.322 * (Log10(freq / 1039)))) // Caluclates OCT value for use in setting oscillator for pulse freq.
            dac = (Round(2048 - ((2078 * (2 ^ (10 + buffer(0)))) / freq)))  // Calculates DAC value for use in setting oscillator for pulse freq.

            buffer(1) = Convert.ToByte((dac And &HF00) >> 😎                         //
// &H is the to tell it its hex code, F00 gives the top 4 bits from a 12 bit value.
            buffer(2) = Convert.ToByte(dac And &HFF) // For values that are larger than 256 (8bits) the value needs to be split across 2 bytes (16 bits) this gets the //bottom 8 bits.  &H is the to tell it its Hex.
            buffer(3) = Convert.ToByte((addr And &HFF0000) >> 16) // This value may be so large it requires 3 bytes (24bits). This gets the top 8 bits.
            buffer(4) = Convert.ToByte((addr And &HFF00) >> 😎 // This gets the middle 8 bits.
            buffer(5) = Convert.ToByte(addr And &HFF)// This gets the bottom 8 bits.
            buffer(6) = Convert.ToByte((rTime And &HFF0000) >> 16) //This value may also be 3 bytes long.

            buffer(7) = Convert.ToByte((rTime And &HFF00) >> 😎
            buffer(8) = Convert.ToByte(rTime And &HFF)
            buffer(9) = Convert.ToByte(2.56 * ocpBox.Value)  // The ocp pulse period is formed of 256 steps or counts, so if a percentage is requested, this formula gives the number of steps/counts required to set the pulse width

            buffer(10) = Convert.ToByte(tempBox.Value)
            If (tempCheck.Checked = True) Then
                buffer(11) = 1
                buffer(11) = 0
            End If
            freq = ((2 ^ buffer(0)) * (2078 / (2 - (dac / 1024))))
            pWidth = Tinh + ((((Convert.ToInt32(buffer(3))) << 16) Or ((Convert.ToInt32(buffer(4))) << 😎 Or (Convert.ToInt32(buffer(5)))) * Tinc)
            ' Connect to device
            serialPort1.Write(1) // Sends the number 1. This tells the microcontroller we are about to start sending data. It should respond with a zero if it is ready 
                                         //and the connection is good.

The line "serialPort1.Write(buffer, 0, bufLen)" sends the buffered data where the variables are: buffer =  the buffered data; 0 = the position in the buffer to start from; bufLen = the position in the buffer to stop sending data.
What's the best way to deal with the Convert.ToBytes and the logical masks And ??
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,
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Accepted by topic author Darxtar

Try this

to byte.png

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks aCe,


I used a similar way to solve my problem by converting the numbers to bit arrays and used a bit array to mask them 🙂





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