Hi Craig,thnx, but i found the error. I used the "number to bool array" function and got an array with 32 entries instead of my needed 8. Now i inserted a modifier before the function and all is working.Henrik Craig Graham wrote:Build Array should work, but you should pop up on the inputs and define eachof the two inputs you need to be of type "array" instead of "element"; thelatter is the default, and will give you a 2D array from your 2 1D arrays,which if you don't realise and only look at one dimension may explain whatyou're seeing.Henrik Skupin wrote in messagenews:399BDFC9.9693F2F8@iai.fzk.de...> i saw that i also can use the build array vi. But after use only the firstinput array appears in the result array. whats happen?>