I have a total mess (right word for it) left behind here by a fellow who is no longer with the company (and hasn't been in some time). There are 664 VI files in various sub-directories in his user folder, with no real organization to them. He left behind some compiled software on another user's machine, but I am not certain if I have all the corresponding source VIs or not (naturally, documentation is non-existent).
I'm in a position of having to make similar software to run on different model test instruments, and rather than completely reinvent the wheel, I figured I could perhaps make use of some of the pieces he left behind. Many of the VIs are obvious false starts, but there seem to be some useful ones as well, and I'm trying to make some sense out of it.
A number of the VIs have the same name, some of which have drastically different file sizes, and some have exactly the same file size. I _think_ the latter ones are indeed identical, but is there any sort of utility I can use to find out for sure?
Michael Tracy
Synergy Microwave