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Building application denied because of "missing items", Top-Level VI can be run though

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What could be the reason that my application can't be built for the reason of missing items in the project, although my top-level VI compiles fine in the IDE - so it doesn't seem to miss anything.


There are missing a lot of items according to the project function "show missing items" - but not just since yesterday. I admit I removed a couple of VIs not necessary anymore that were called by some commented-out code which isn't working (uncompilable) anyway. That was never a problem.


To make myself clear: I could surely solve the problem by taking care of the reasons all those 200something files are missing (and were missing for a long time). My question is - why would it even bother the builder when the top-level VI is runnable and working?


In the attached screen capture you can see that both source files, the caller and the always included actual MAIN vi (which is run by reference call) are compilable in the development system. The setup of calling the MAIN in that way also is not new, I've created dozens of new versions of applications for this VI in this way for over a year now.


Any suggestions?

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Message 1 of 4

@comrade wrote:

Any suggestions?

Yes.  Compress the folder containing your Project and attach the resulting .zip file.  I won't even bother looking at a picture that won't address the problem that you are having, a problem that lives in the Project and the VIs contained inside it.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks, Bob, for your reply.


The project data contains a round 430 MB of VI and other necessary data. Also as this is work stuff I unfortunately can't attach this here. Sorry.

I thought maybe there is just a quick link I might have missed. Thanks anyway for your effort.



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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by comrade

Hi everyone,


I found the reason. It was quite simple. There were some license text files I always have to include in the build ("Always Include" in "Source Files" tab of the build spec).

Due to a reorganization of those license files into another folder which (by accident) wasn't part of the project, those files could not be found. And as they were text files they wouldn't get taken into account when compiling my VIs.

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Message 4 of 4