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Anyway to programmatically add a page to Tab Control during VI execution?

@DavidBoyd wrote:

I'm amazed (and maybe slightly nauseous) at how far afield from the OP's question this thread has gotten.  He was simply confused about the concept of creating and deleting tabs on a control vs. showing and hiding them.  Scripting, subpanels, Xcontrols, etc are all outside of the scope of the question and almost surely outside the OP's knowledge base.



I agree Dave.  However, some of the LabVIEW capabilities ARE "Hardcore" Programming stuff.  The OP may not need a push "Down the rabbit hole." but rabbit holes are there!  

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 23

@DavidBoyd wrote:

Scripting, subpanels, Xcontrols, etc are all outside of the scope of the question and almost surely outside the OP's knowledge base.

In all fairness, OP choose to take the scripting route.

I actually feel the thread is getting more constructive at the moment (looking for work arounds etc.).

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 23

Adding would be impossible due to scripting restrictions. It is possible to make them visible when you build them earlier. In the same manner you can make them invisible. I have build an example of how to make the tabs visible and included that in this post

Message 23 of 23