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ASIO interface for LabView

Hello NI Forums! Cheers Smiley Very Happy


As everyone knows, everyone is looking for a solution to get along ASIO drivers into LabView. In another post about this same topic, Dr. Ben Sternberg, from University of Arizona, told us about an existent ASIO LabView VI that was developed in the Laboratory for Advanced Subsurface Imaging (Original post:, the GenMon.
I'm an acoustic engineering student and i'm on an undergraduate research about beamforming, and i need to use the ASIO driver to acquire data and then analyse.
But there's an issue, the ASIO driver no longer works with the recent versions of LabView (LabVIEW 2010 and newer), because the ASIO interface was built in LabView 6.x using the CIN (code interface node) technology. Now, we know that LabView no longer supports this function, and the function used to do the same thing is Call Library Function Node. That's why I'm creating another post: to discuss with you guys a solution for updating this ASIO interface. So we can create a collective solution.
Given that other people besides me is looking for this kind of software, we need you guys, please, help us.
I'm an beginner programmer and i really can't do this alone.
The ASIO interface can be downloaded here:



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16
Everyone? 🙂
Message 2 of 16
People who deals with this issue.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16
Sorry, but judging from how few posts there have been on the subject, the number of people must be very few indeed. Have you tried anything at all?
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16
I agree.
As i said, i'm a beginner programmer. I know that i need to change the CIN function to Call Library Function Node. But it's a bit hard to me.
Sry for my bad english.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

If you're not willing to try to work with the code yourself, you really should look at one of two options:

1) Pay someone to develop your code for you

2) Acquire LabVIEW 8.6 where your code works.


It's not really fair of you to say you can't do this all by yourself while expecting others to do a significant portion of your research work for you.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16
I'm not willing someone here to do the job for me. I'm not an expert programmer, i just want some tips.
The first point is, how can I change from a CIN function to a Call Library...
I would appreciate someone with some knowledge on this that look to this code and tell me something like: "oh, well, try to add some water. It may work.", or indicate me an article or any material that would help me.
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Message 7 of 16

You're going to want to know the dll function you're looking to call.  Look up the function to see what kind of inputs and outputs it has.  Once you find those, you can use a reference like:  That will tell you how those values map into LabVIEW.


Here's a tutorial on how to use that node:

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

In addition to what natasftw already told you, you will want to have a pretty sound understanding about C programming even if you can get away without writing a wrapper DLL in C (but from what I remember about ASIO that chance is slim, the API was not designed with high level languages like LabVIEW or Visual Basic in mind but rather as a means for C programmers to interface to various high performance audio hardware).


The Call Library node allows you to call DLLs but it requires you to know what a C programmer would have to do when calling that function from a C program and sometimes even a little more about how a C compiler treats specific situations that the C programmer wouldn't really have to worry to much about.



Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16


All your VIs in the archive are being opened fine in LabVIEW 2013 x32. Yes, LabVIEW no longer supports CINs but they still work if you open old VIs but only on 32-bit version of LabVIEW. So, if you talk that CINs don't work on your LV then you maybe are using 64-bit LV?.. In this case you may install 32-bit LV instead of 64-bit one. But if ASIO driver interface is not operable on current LV versions then you should rewrite its code and turn it to DLL which can be called in LabVIEW.

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Message 10 of 16