LabVIEW Web UI Builder and Data Dashboard

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Labview VI Controls won't link to my NI Data Dashboard

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I have read all the posts and I have the same problem, however the solution posted doesn´t work for me. When I try to configurate the data dash board on my ipad and use the call to set the inputs, it shows me only the option of indicators. Also when I try to use poll to set the indicators, they never load. 



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Message 11 of 15

Hi LordMasterMen,


Can you provide more information about the problem that you are running into?  Are you able to access the same web service by calling it in Safari on your iPad?  What do you mean by "they never load"?  When you run the Dashboard do you get a yellow bang?


I noticed that you posted a similar question on another discussion, have you been able to try the solutions that Mark suggested here?  They are a great place to start if it is the same issue you were running into earlier.




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Message 12 of 15

Are you using a polling web service (the little globe icon) or the button? Polling web services only support outputs. If you want to use inputs with web services you have to use the button.

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Message 13 of 15


The other question is about using a different network to get the information on the Ipad, however I can´t prove the solution that Mark posted because I´m waiting for my partner that has the other network, so now I´m  using the same network, but I have some troubles. I already tried the outputs with poll and the inputs with call, however I had the problem of the yellow bang, so I realized that the problem was my while loop on my main VI, so I changed it and the yellow bangs didn´t appear any more.  I don´t understand why my outputs don´t update, also I tried with call to set my inputs, but there are no options to set controls as the poll set indicators. Also, can I set poll and call on the same dashboard? and can you explain me why I can´t use a while loop on my main VI? How does the dashboard get continuously  the information?. Sorry for my questions I´m new with this concepts. 


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Message 14 of 15

For a detailed description of why you can't use a while loop in your web service VI you can read this discussion post from a previous thread:


If you still have questions after that then let me know.


For your other problems it would help if you could post your LabVIEW code (project and VIs) as well as your dashboard so we can see what you are trying to do. It's usually easier for us to spot the problem by just looking at what you're trying to do directly.

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Message 15 of 15