LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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ADS1115 Labview Interface for Arduino

this vi read 2 diferential inputs of ads1115

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Message 21 of 32

@diazomar2004 wrote:

this vi read 2 diferential inputs of ads1115

You really need to stop posting this attachment over and over. This s now the third time you attached the same VI. Once is sufficient!


As in the other discussion, I strongly recommend that you do a few basic LabVIEW tutorials first. It is very ambiguous to have array diagram constants where some elements are hidden (container size != array size!). Always resize so we see the first invalid element (or if there are many element, show the scrollbar!).

You have two identical large code sections that only differ by a single diagram constant. Correctly done, you only need one instance of all that code.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 32

Hi my friend, I've used your file about ADS1115 at labview and it works fine.

I need to read all the 4 inputs of ADS1115, but I dont figure it out, can you help?



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Message 23 of 32

please give me a few days i will work on it

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Message 24 of 32

Take your time, thank you your return!

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Message 25 of 32

this vi is a general setup to read ads1115 to read the 4 inputs you have to repeat it 4 times an change the configuration. you have to use a input with gnd every time example first you have to configure to read ain0 with gnd and read second ain1 with gnd and read  later ain2 with gnd and read finaly ain3 and gnd and read

becareful with the time begind read and the next configuration 

if you have problem send me a message

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 32

Hi Everyone,


I have succeeded in make a VI to read multiples channel of ADS1115.

In my case I'm reading seven analog input of two ADS1115.



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Message 27 of 32

please save the vi in a previus format like labview 2019 or 2015 because msome people dont have labview 22


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Message 28 of 32

I have a problem ,when i connected VI with raspberry pi i have error 54


can u help me ?

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Message 29 of 32

Can you please describe how have you wired the ADS1115 channels together and to the I2C to be able to read 7 channels separately at the same time?

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Message 30 of 32