Well i searched for word wrap not shift enter. kudos to him for posting it first.
I also mention the fact that resizing with the mouse is a bad option because while it word wraps text disappears from visibility if you type more lines than you originally sized.
--------------------------------- [will work for kudos]
Actually, I found it by searching for word wrap. But the search box was already highlight for Ideas Exchange. Perhaps you were within the context of the LabVIEW board or another one at the time you did the search.
As some of the comments in that idea thread shows, there are a few details to be worked out to make sure text doesn't disappear from view without some obvious indicator such as a scroll bar.
Duplicate of http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Shift-Enter-should-define-word-wrap-bounds-on-Free-Lab...