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Visual indication that a structure is hiding code beyond its boundary

Status: New


Just following up on a sub-idea raised within this recent idea from tst: LabVIEW should break VIs which have hidden code.  I *almost* like tst's idea, but IMO it is a bit too heavy-handed:

  • YES, I want better information when there is hidden code on my diagram, but...
  • NO, I don't want my code to break!


The Idea:

If a structure hides code beyound it's boundary, then provide a visual indication. For example, the edge of the structure could be coloured red to alert the user that something unexpected is going on.


Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

I should also point out the main objections I had to this idea:


  1. Code can be hidden in other ways as well (behind structures, under other nodes or VIs) and this won't cover those.
  2. The hidden code might be in an unopened subVI or another part of the diagram and you won't know it's there unless you actually have the structure in front of you. This isn't a big deal if the hidden code doesn't do anything, but if it creates a bug (especially one which is not obvious), you would want to know it's there even if you're not actually looking at it.

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tst: Your objections are more relevant in the context of your original idea (and I gave my counter-objections there).


This idea makes no mention of "other" hidden code. It is just about code hidden beyond the boundary of a structure.


Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

> This idea makes no mention of "other" hidden code


No, but that doesn't mean the issue can be ignored. If the idea only solves part of a problem, than it's possible that it should not be implemented and that something else which does solve the rest of the problem should be implemented instead.

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Kudos to both ideas. I want some indication that I have hidden code. Current way (no indication) is unsatisfactory.


LabVIEW versions 5.0 - 2023

“All programmers are optimists”
― Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
Proven Zealot
I'd prefer it'd be impossible to hide code that way. No structure should be able to minimized so it happens and blocks should be pushed away from each other if dropped over each other. A indication would be an acceptable 2nd option. :) /Y
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Qestit Systems
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Any hidden code should be avoided. The new "minimal energy BD auto arrangement method" idea, presented by Jeff Kodosky at NIWeek 2012, would make visible everything automatically.

André Manzolli

Mechanical Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer - CLD
LabVIEW Champion
Curitiba - PR - Brazil
Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

> I'd prefer it'd be impossible to hide code that way.


Then I would suggest voting for the other idea or creating a third physics-based idea.

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Trusted Enthusiast

Does this still work?


Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Active Participant

@crelfVO wrote:

Does this still work?

Yes, it does indeed still work (LV2012) - but only for structures-covering-structures, not for hidden code such as the example in this idea.


(Nice tip though! Smiley Wink)

Active Participant

Good job fabric. Kudos..

Silver_Shaper | CLD