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VSS: Vertical Stacked Sequence (Bad idea, don't vote for it!!!)

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined. 

(This is a preemptive idea posting to make sure it is out there and does not get any significant votes.)


Don't vote for this!

(Now we will see who is paying attention :D)


The seasoned text programmer has problems adapting to LabVIEW because of dataflow. The concept where sections without data dependency can execute in any order really messes with the mind. We don't really want to think that way. It would be so much easier to do a literal translation of text based code to LabVIEW if we had a vertical stacked sequence!


Now order is restored, code executes "line" by "line", top to bottom, and all race conditions are eliminated. It also saves energy because we only use one CPU core at any given moment. Keep it green! 🙂 This structure is even Energy Star rated and might qualify for a rebate from your local utility!


Look at the picture! Now we have LabVIEW code that even a text programmer can understand. 😄


Look ma, no tunnels... no branched wires! 😮


Sounds good, right? Please discuss below and prove me wrong! (... and please remember the bold red text above!).


Did I mention that this is a bad idea? Oh, yes I did... In the title!


Knight of NI

This idea really needs to be expanded.


1.  Put numbers to the left of each frame so we can identify the frame.  The first one could be 10, the second, 20, the third 30.  Make sure there is spacing so that if we decide to add another line between 20 and 30, we can insert it and call it 25.


2.  How can we go back to frame 2 after we exectued frame 5?  We need something like a Goto statement!


3.  Subroutines.  What if we have a subroutine or function we need to repeatedly call?  We need a Gosub statement


Smiley Wink

Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI
Also, it would probably be easier if we could just type things like "B=45" or B=Ln(B)".

Try to take over the world!
Trusted Enthusiast

What do we do to accomplish a Break or Exit function?



Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
Proven Zealot

Tst wrote :


Also, it would probably be easier if we could just type things like "B=45" or B=Ln(B)". 




And please eliminate wiring and....................




Oh and where is labVIEW now?......... :smileyvery-happy:

Proven Zealot

Oh man.  A big sign saying "Don't press this button.".


Is this some kind of social experiment?  I really want to vote for it just to see the reactions.....


Must.... resist.....

Proven Zealot

You forgot to include vents in each case to allow for natural Data flow (top to bottom).  This has the negative side-effect that each second frame must be reversed so that the flow of data is preserved.  Execution speed could be controlled by setting data viscosity and modifying the Gravity constant.




Maybe we could have a Physx-enhanced data flow example?

Trusted Enthusiast
All fun aside, how is this any different to the horizontal stacked sequence?

Copyright © 2004-2024 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Proven Zealot
It's vertical....  ?
Knight of NI

Apparently someone wasn't paying attention to your


big bold red text, altenbach, as you got a vote for it.


Or, maybe somebody really likes the idea. 

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 08-17-2009 10:39 AM
Knight of NI Knight of NI
Knight of NI

> Maybe we could have a Physx-enhanced data flow example?


Oooh, yes. That would tie in perfectly with the CUDA library NI released to NI Labs last week. While they're at it, it would be great if NI added a laser gun, so that we wouldn't have to use a mouse to position things. That would just be sooooo much quicker. Just don't forget to point outside the screen to restock on primitives.

Try to take over the world!