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Send Feedback Button

Status: New

When NXG was released, NI added a button that you could click and send feedback to NI about things you liked and about things you didn't like about it.  I realize this is most helpful in a product that is in beta like NXG, but there are still times I'll be doing something and I think "Man I don't like how this works" but I often move on or forget to post an idea about it.


So this idea is to add a "Send Feedback" button in LabVIEW where the developer can then send suggestions to NI.


Feedback Button.png


Feedback Dialog.png


A valid criticism of this idea would be "Isn't this what the idea exchange is for?"  And I can agree with that.  But still I thought it was a cool feature of NXG, and if it was useful there, why wouldn't it be useful here?  I figured I would submit the idea and let the community to decide if this is a valuable feature or not.

Active Participant

Or like this (Visual Studio 2019):



Certified LabVIEW Architect
Active Participant

How to give feedback, report a problem and suggest a feature should of course be accessible from within LabVIEW.


I shouldn't have to google "how do i report a bug in labview" or "labview feedback" or "suggest labview feature". 

Certified LabVIEW Architect
Proven Zealot

Oh wow yeah having never used Visual Studio I didn't realize it had that feature.  Throwing it in the help menu would probably be fine too.

Active Participant

+1 . A "Send feedback" button or menu option in LabVIEW would reduce the barrier towards suggesting an improvement. It would also be a clear signal that NI wants users' feedback.

Many casual, non-power-users of LabVIEW aren't aware that the Idea Exchange exists. Also, while Idea Exchange posts are obviously public, feedback submitted through the "Send feedback" feature would be private between the user and the LabVIEW R&D team. I imagine most people, myself included, would find it less daunting to write down some quick private feedback, rather than spend the effort to create a polished public post.


As NXG got enough functionality and we had a WebVI reporting project last year I did a quite a bit of NXG as I thought it was the future... 

I used the NXG feedback feature quite a bit. However one feedback I left was that from my experience it felt like a black hole.

I usually am providing feedback through frustration (Why doesn't NXG do X that LabVIEW can? NXG just crashed doing X, Why doesn't NXG have auto recovery?). Sending feedback to a black hole doesn't resolve the frustration. 


No way to review my previous suggestions - is this a duplicate I have already suggested?

No encouragement to give feedback. No reporting of feedback. How does NI process this feedback? At least knowing an intern has read my rant feedback and sorted it into a bucket would help. 


Is my feedback about a common issue that just needs my Kudos? Where is this feature on the roadmap?

At least here you can search / get feedback from others if your suggestion is worthwhile. So it was suggested and there are valid reasons why its not done that way. 

The best reward is @ who responds with something really insightful that helps me understand better. 


Perhaps rather than just popping up a feedback dialog there is a quick wizard that filters your feedback - Is it an Feature improvement idea? If so ask for a title and pull the search data from this forum to add Kudos to existing idea else generate a post here. 


Is it a bug report? - Perhaps have a bug thread forum as some bugs are features to others or the user is lacking understanding / taking the problem the wrong way. However is having a public forum full of bugs a good look for the product? Even if most of them are flagged as "feature" or "user understanding". The reliability of LabVIEW took a big leap after they added the crash reporting feature. I still send them - again into a black hole. Is this crash just me? Should I reinstall? "NI has detected your LabVIEW installation is crashing a lot. Perhaps try a memory test or reinstall/repair (this component)." Would this level up the quality of NI products?




Trusted Enthusiast

I agree completely, feedback without any response is not nice at all

greetings from the Netherlands
Active Participant

Just to clarify, I think that the LabVIEW Idea Exchange is amazing and is a great place for sharing feature requests, bug fixes, etc. But I think there is also a place for the "private" "Send feedback" feature. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I also agree that feedback without a response is not nice. At the same time I don't think that the LabVIEW R&D team can be expected to reply to every feedback message. But it would be nice if they replied to some.