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Listbox Symbol constant should be allowed to be converted to a control and retain the symbol enum display.

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 9 kudos within 9 years after posting will be automatically declined.

I was inspired by the idea 'Color properties should default to colorbox data' to post this one.


You can drop the listbox symbol constant from the pallet onto the block diagram.  But, if you create a control or convert it to a control, you end up with a numeric control, not a pict ring of the symbols.

It would be nice, when including the listbox symbol in a data structure to allow for it's graphical representation.  That way you would not have to lookup the index number with the constant to figure out what symbol had been set in the data structure when you are debugging.


If there is a work around for this, please let me know! 

Certified LabVIEW Architect
AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)
Make your control be a strict typedef.
Active Participant
Maybe I'm missing something, but how do you take a block diagram constant and make a strict typedef control out of it?
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Active Participant

Maybe I was not clear in the original post.  What I am trying to do it take this and turn it into a front panel control:


Message Edited by jlokanis on 07-16-2009 03:27 PM
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 9 kudos within 9 years after posting will be automatically declined.