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For Loop Percent Complete

Status: Duplicate

Often times, I have a set of code in a for loop that takes a while to complete, so I put in a progress bar on the UI.  The problem is the progress bar defaults to 0-100 range, and my for loop normally does not have 100 iterations. 

So.... I can either rescale the progress bar to the number of elements, or I can use the "N" and "i" to calculate the percent complete and use that.


Since I like to keep my progress bars as 0-100 (since that works nicely to also show a percent complete) and % complete is useful elsewhere, I generally always end up calculating % complete of my for loops.


Well, why can't NI calculate this for me automatically???  Something like expanding the "i" iteration counter in the loop also have a "%" box right next to it.


Example shown below should probably wire as a double instead of an int, but you get the idea!



Knight of NI

This has been suggested several times. See here for the original.

Laura F.
Active Participant
Status changed to: Duplicate