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Do Not Save Option

Status: Declined
I want a Do Not Save option in addition to Defer Decision and Save.  When I was checking to see if this has already been Idea'd I found this thread.  Dennis mentions the Revert option, which I didn't know of.  I will probably start using this.  But, I still think Do Not Save should be included in the dialog.
Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Active Participant



Aside:  To reduce extraneous recompile SCC check in's:


As NI recommends here, if you haven't already, you might consider turning ON Tools >> Options >> Environment >> Do not save automatic changes (as well as Treat read-only VIs as locked).



Certified LabVIEW Architect
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AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)

Returning to this long ago thread: As of LV 2010, LV has the option in VI Properties on the General page to separate compiled code from source file. This option addresses the "LV is asking me to save just because the file recompiled for a target" problem. Loading files for a different target no longer creates a reason to prompt to save those VIs if this option is enabled. As of LV 2012, it applies to libraries as well. See the online help for more details about updating all of your files to use this option and for setting Tools >> Options such that it is automatically turned on for all new files you create.


For those concerned about using such a "new feature", every single VI and library that ships as part of LabVIEW itself has this setting turned on.

Trusted Enthusiast

Just got bumped to here from a new similar idea.


I'd just like to say that I'm perfectly happy with the current way the save dialog works. I specifically hit CTRL+S and close the front panel of each VI that I wish to save, when I want to save it. Everything else that causes me to meet the "care to save?" dialog can safely be ignored - those are auto-changes that I know I want to discard. Usually such hitherto unnoticed changes are due to automatic recompiles and such, and those I just leave for a full recompile at a later stage as Jack also mentions.


In short, when I make some changes I want to keep, I save them. Keep the save dialog as it is. "Don't save" always tells me that now this VI leaves memory. It would be close to impossible for me to relearn if this changed Smiley Happy.




CLA, CTA, CLED & LabVIEW Champion
Trusted Enthusiast

Here we are three years later: I agree with that Source Only has become mature-enough feature to make the pain nearly go away and make this request obsolete... (and it's embarrassing going through old posts where I use more air quotes than Bennett Brauer... sheesh)

Status changed to: Declined
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined
one more vote for the "Do not Save" option. for me, being unable to not save is one of the most annoying things in Labview. i have never met any other software that prevents the user at this level from doing what he should be able to. Btw revert wont work for newly created test-VIs. I actually tend to close the whole projec t frequently in order not to save wrong things.
Proven Zealot

I typically use a different approach.


I save everything and when I'm finished for the day I have a VI which makes an automatic comparison between my local code and the version on my SVN server to see if the changes are "real" or just a figment of LV's imagination.  I can then auto-revert all the VIs marked as changed which according to LVCompare actually aren't changed.