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Allow access to default value on control properties dialog

The title says it all: The property dialog of controls should allow inspecting and changing the default value.


Here's how it could look like.



Sometimes I wand to re-define a default value without actually changing the current value.


current steps

  • copy the current value elsewhere
  • enter the desired default value
  • operations...make current value default
  • restore the original value (could lose data in case of DBL!)

After implementing the idea

  • default value...OK.




Knight of NI

I'm surprised I hadn't thought of this before now.


But I'm really, really surprised you hadn't thought of this until now.  Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy

Knight of NI

> But I'm really, really surprised you hadn't thought of this until now.


This is actually very old, I just haven't written it up as an idea until now... 🙂


(I am still not 100% sure if it belong on the "Data Type" or "Data Entry" tab).

Active Participant

Nice one. Easy to do I would recon. +1


Active Participant

> (I am still not 100% sure if it belong on the "Data Type" or "Data Entry" tab).


My pick would be Data Entry.  (Though if it wasn't for the rarely used Fixed-Point configuration data the two tabs could easily be combined.)


It used to exist in LabVIEW 7.1, then it got nuked.Smiley Mad


lv 71.png

Knight of NI

Interesting! Maybe I even used it in the past.


All I remember is that once in a while I flip throught the properties tab thinking "it has to be somehwere, why can't I find it".

Knight of NI

My choice would be to have it in data entry.


I am curious about why it would have been dropped.  It is present is 7.1, 8.0, 8.2, but not in 8.5.  LV 8.5 is also where the Properties dialog changed from tabs for Data Range and Format and Precision to Data Type, Data Entry, and Display Format.  Maybe it got dropped by accident and it took us this long to notice?



Knight of NI

What??? It dissappeared??


Oh yeah...  That's what happens when you keep switching to different versions of LabVIEW based on what the clients are using..


Kudos to bring it back!

Knight of NI

Another scenario where this is really needed is for boolean controls. As we all know, certain mechanical actions depend on the default value (false or true) and will switch to the "other" value (true or false, resp.) temporarily. (Does everybody really know that? 🐵


In the case of a "switch until released" button, there seems to be no obvious way to change the default value (default TRUE, but FALSE while pressed down) without changing the mechanical action temporarily. This should not be necessary!


This isn't an obvious way to change the default value for switch until released, but the following sequence exploits a bug to do this (CAR #45690)


Click on the boolean control with the left and middle mouse buttons simultaneously then release them.  It will change value and hold the new value (the change in value will happen if you do this while the vi is running as well).

Right-click on the control and select Data Operations->Make current value default.