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Problem with write subvi in Watlow EZ-Zone controller

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Hello, I am a beginner with LabView and I am trying to control a Watlow EZ Zone PM controller using the Labview driver downloaded from their website (link) and a USB to RS485 adapter.

I can initialize and read, but everything crushes when the "" element executes. When using the example provided (Standard Bus LabView the communication with the controller breaks down. On the other hand, when I use it in the VI I want to create, the program completely crushes. Apparently, the problem in the latter might be in the "ILabview In" and "ILabview Out" elements (see image below).Error 1172.JPGThe error coming out is 1172. I should also say that when I opened the VI (both the example and mine), these warnings appear:


C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\instr.lib\Watlow Std Bus\Public\ (
- The .NET assembly expected to be at "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\instr.lib\Watlow Std Bus\Public\Watbus.dll" was loaded from "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\instr.lib\Watlow Std Bus\Public\Watbus.dll".
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\instr.lib\Watlow Std Bus\Public\ (
- The .NET assembly expected to be at "<GAC>:\Watbus" was loaded from "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\instr.lib\Watlow Std Bus\Public\Watbus.dll".
- Expected Assembly "Watbus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", but found "Watbus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null."


Can anyone help me to identify the problem? I am using Labview 2011.

Thank you in advance!!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 23

You need to connect the output refnum of the initialize vi to iLabVIEW in.



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Message 2 of 23

Thank you Ben64, it seems to partly work, since it now writes the value in the device, but the program freezes after this. I can neither stop it nor perform any pther action. See the image:ErrorWriting.JPG



The same happened when executing "write" in the example vi mentioned before (Standard Bus LabView, so there could probably be something wrong in it. I attach the Write sub vi.

Thank you.

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Message 3 of 23

After runing just the to investigate the error further, there is an error 1172 coming out of the "ILabView-sGetValue" element.

Any clue of what could be happening?


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Message 4 of 23
Accepted by topic author garciaj

Please note that there is currently a software issue with the Watlow supplied LabVIEW driver. The current version does not support writes in degrees C. Use degrees F and perform conversions within LabVIEW as a workaround until the next software addresses the issue.


Watlow Technical Support

Message 5 of 23

Thank you!! It works now in ºF.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 23

Is there a configuration on the Watlow itself that needs to be changed from degree C to degree F? Because I did the conversion on LabVIEW and still shows me the same error.  





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Message 7 of 23


What we did was to ensure that all the Watlow sub-vis (Write, Read, etc.) operate in ºF. You can change this from the square of the sub-vi (see the images above). If you already have this I do not know why it does not work.


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Message 8 of 23

Please contact Watlow direct to exchange more detail on the issue. Watlow technical support email is Wintechsupport@watlow .com

Include screen shots of the steps you are attempting to accomplish.

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Message 9 of 23

Hello Garciaj,

Greetings! You know I just started working with Labview and as a part of my project goal I need to control a heating element for heating air inside of a dryer. In this connection I bought Watlow ez-zone PM6 controller and NI9871 module. I went through the supplied manuals, installed the driver but still not understand how do I configure the controller with 9871 module through Labview FPGA (e.g. how do I add the ports of ez-zone and interface into the FPGA vi, like you did). Fortunately I saw your this post and went through it and believed that you can help me out in this regard. Herewith I have attached the screenshots of my FPGA vi and project window, and the connections of module with ez-zone for your information. I am not sure whether I did the connection right or not. Do I need any additional hardware? I will highly appreciate your guidelines and help in this regard.

Thanking you and looking froward to hear from you.



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Message 10 of 23