Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Microsoft Access - GPIB

I am starting up a new project for a small service center and wonder if someone
have been able to use Visual Basic for applications inside Microsoft Access
'97 for doing the normal GPIB commands.
It would be a great benefit for me if it is possible to achive this, then
a dont have to export all my measurments to my access-datebases.
Have anyone acheived this? Is there a special dll or something else I need.
Any tips?
Thank you in advance
//David Karlsson
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Message 1 of 3
check out NI ComponentWorks
or you can use GPIB-32.DLL, VBIB32.BAS and NIGLOBAL.BAS in VBA just as you can in
good luck!

David Karlsson wrote:

> Hello,
> I am starting up a new project for a small service center and wonder if someone
> have been able to use Visual Basic for applications inside Microsoft Access
> '97 for doing the normal GPIB commands.
> It would be a great benefit for me if it is possible to achive this, then
> a dont have to export all my measurments to my access-datebases.
> Have anyone acheived this? Is there a special dll or something else I need.
> Any tips?
> Thank you in advance
> //David Karlsson

Best Regards,
Mike T

Mike Tranchemontagne
Consulting Applications Engineer
TeraComm, Inc.
148 Main Street
Building A, 3rd Fl
North Andover, MA 01845
877-900-TERA (8372)
978-557-9490 (FAX)
603-598-4773 (Direct Line and Cell)
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Message 2 of 3
Instead of running the VB application inside access, and having the extra overhead, here's what I did.
First, create the Access database table. If your machines are networked, it doesn't have to be on the same computer to be accessible.
Use ActiveX data objects to open a connection to the database from your application when you need to write data to it. You can then distribute your application to multiple workstations if necessary and have them all use one database file
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Message 3 of 3