check out NI ComponentWorks
or you can use GPIB-32.DLL, VBIB32.BAS and NIGLOBAL.BAS in VBA just as you can in
good luck!
David Karlsson wrote:
> Hello,
> I am starting up a new project for a small service center and wonder if someone
> have been able to use Visual Basic for applications inside Microsoft Access
> '97 for doing the normal GPIB commands.
> It would be a great benefit for me if it is possible to achive this, then
> a dont have to export all my measurments to my access-datebases.
> Have anyone acheived this? Is there a special dll or something else I need.
> Any tips?
> Thank you in advance
> //David Karlsson
Best Regards,
Mike T
Mike Tranchemontagne
Consulting Applications Engineer
TeraComm, Inc.
148 Main Street
Building A, 3rd Fl
North Andover, MA 01845
877-900-TERA (8372)
978-557-9490 (FAX)
603-598-4773 (Direct Line and Cell)