Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Is there VISA libraries for ARM?

Is there a version of the VISA libraries and NI-MAX that will work on ARM architecture boards such as Raspberry Pi, etc?

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Message 1 of 15



You can interact with a Pi through Labview using the Lynx tool:-


You need either the pi 2 or 3 and can get it from makerhub.


It's not VISA, it's more like treating the pi as a deployable target





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Message 2 of 15
Thank you for your reply, but that's not really what I was after. I'm talking about using the Pi as the host computer to control other equipment. I've got lots of USB and GPIB equipment and I want to write some programs on the Pi to automate some tests. I will be using Python not LabVIEW, and I have the NI GPIB-USB interface
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Message 3 of 15

I too want to use the RPI 3 as main data acquisition computer and need the NI-VISA library to write code in python using for example pyvisa.  I would like to be able to control instruments using PyVISA and Raspberry Pi computers.  Unfortunately, I was unable to find the required VISA library for the RPi.


I want to run instruments from various manufacturers, Stanford Research, Agilent, National Instruments are the main ones.  Python is much more streamlined and user friendly than LabView for just taking the data and plotting it, etc.  MUCH more compact and easier to learn.  Not constantly changing like LabView and WAAAYYY cheaper.  Who wants to pay even $99 for a home version of labview when Python is free.


National instruments already has the NI-VISA for x86 Linux, how about they get with the program and support the fastest growing segment of the PC market, which will make people want to buy more of their USB products, like the GPIB HS, etc.


As of this date, 10 million RPi's have been sold, and several million of the Pi2's and 3's!  Open your eyes guys and don't be left behind!

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Message 4 of 15

Has there been any headway on this yet? Does anyone know if NI is even working on it? The amount of ARM devices out there is huge now, even Microsoft Windows 10 has been ported to ARM devices (albeit via an emulation layer). 


Speaking of which, has anyone tried that yet? Since Windows ARM support is emulated, in theory the existing x86 VISA for windows should work, right? Still not a solution for raspberry pi but interesting nonetheless 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

Dear K_purden,


At this point in time, there is no official indication that NI-VISA drivers will be released for ARM devices.


Furthermore, it is unlikely that x86 VISA will work on an ARM device with an emulated version of Windows as VISA drivers aren't compatible with ARM processors.


There is a forum for using Labview with 3rd party devices. If you're
interested, you can find more here.


Kind regards,


Mike van Dijk
Applications Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15


Something is not quite right in your reply.  The Linx web pages you pointed to show that indeed the local target (in this case a Raspberry Pi), hosts the NI VISA on it in the CHROOT file, so it seems clear that NI has developed a version of the VISA that runs on the arm processor.  It makes absolutely no sense to have to run user code thru a PC in order to run code on a Raspberry pi using the Linx setup.  That is really unnecessary complication, and makes simple control of GPIB overly complex and cumbersome.


Remember, there are now SEVERAL MILLIONS of Pi3's, with no sign of sales slowing down anytime soon, and these are the kind of device that makers (and scientists and engineers, as well as academics) are going to want to control all kinds of devices with, including GPIB instruments.  It is in NI's interest to develop VISA for the RPi, since that means people buying your $500 NI USB GPIB adapter.  I have several that I would like to use on the raspberry pi's, and the extra cumbersome layer of linx and labview, as well as an additional PC is just not what I am looking for.  I want to use Python and  PyVISA, which requires a VISA driver.  (it can be generic, need not be NI).  The whole point of using the RPi's is to replace having to use a PC and Windows operating system that costs many times more than an RPi.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

Dear Thewans,


We currently don’t have a stand-alone version of the NI VISA drivers available for ARM devices. LINX utilizes NI VISA drivers, but connects to a local target from a host pc. I spent some time looking for additional information related to using GPIB with the RPi and was able to find this community resource; I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for but perhaps it will get you started in the right direction.


I appreciate your feedback and will make sure it gets documented and passed on to colleagues in R&D.


Kind regards,


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15



Many thanks for finding the link you found.  An updated version going to March 2016 can be found in a link near the bottom of the article.  Problem is at this point, not sure if the version will work on the latest Pixel/Jessie Raspian.


This is the type of thing I want, and exactly the type of NI-GPIB-USB-HS adapters that I have, so in principle, I can try to get this to work, likely after many, many hours (days?) of frustration and coding. 


However, please inquire to your people about the following.  They show in the block diagram for how lynx works FAQ that the NI-VISA is running in the Chroot file on the Raspi computer.  For that to happen, someone needed to develop the proper code for NI VISA to run on the Raspi with the ARM, even if it is ultimately controlled by the host PC.  Please try to get someone to realize that we only need the NI VISA for the ARM/Raspi to be able to have a whole host of programs, most notably Python, to be able to control the NI-GPIB-USB-HS directly from the Raspberry Pi, which is the goal here.


There is also another new development.  The latest version of Pixel/Jessie/Raspian has been developed and runs on X86 off of a USB/uSD card.  The question is if the X86 version of NI-VISA will work with Py-VISA for this case.  The Raspian is just Debian Linux based.  Will you find out the answer to this question.  It is pretty slick to boot the entire Raspberry Pi desktop and curated applications, including the nice Python IDLE's off a thumbdrive on your PC, without changing files to the underlying PC when you are done.  It is surprisingly fast if you use a decent, class 10 microSD card, but even good with a lower rated card.  You can read about and download the image here



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Dear Thewans,


I'm glad to hear that you found the link useful and I hope it will solve your problem.


Regarding the compatability of X86 NI VISA and Py-VISA drivers with Pixel/Jessie/Raspian from a USB drive: I have done some research but I cannot find any useful documentation on this topic. If you have the required hardware, it will be interesting to see if you can get this to work. 


Kind regards,


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Message 10 of 15