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IVI configuration

Reading through the forum posts I gathered the following information,
1. To ensure interchangeability of equipment, I can use MAX to configure the logical names etc.
2. I can copy either the ivi.ini or the xml configuration file if I want to have the same configuration on a different test bench. And I need to import these configurations manually using MAX.
My questions are,
1. Can I set the logical names and whatever information configurable in MAX programmatically during run time without having to use MAX?
2. Is it possible to copy over the ivi.ini or xml configuration without requiring to import using MAX?
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Message 1 of 3

Hello Husni,

The IVI configuration in MAX is just a user interface designed to work with the IVI Configuration Server to provide easy access to the configuration data. Here is the document which explains how to programmatically access and modify an IVI Configuration Store file:

I hope this helps.



Message 2 of 3
Forgot to mention in my previous post that the use of an ivi.ini file is no longer supported.
Message 3 of 3