09-30-2006 04:03 AM
10-01-2006 03:00 PM
10-02-2006 11:04 AM
the cable is about 1 meter long and the baud rate is set to 38400 (as suggested by the factory ).
I tried Albert suggestion but it seems not to work. However, I start believing it is an handshake issue (the plug has pins 7 and 8 connected), since the string I read changes as a function of the time delay between the writing operation and the reading operation.
By the way, you can see my vi in attachment.
Thanks again,
10-03-2006 10:19 AM
Dear Roberto,
I tested your Vi shorting TX and RX of my RS232 COM Port
( http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/7DC6DDB5605E325F862570490060970C ).
Everything looks normal.
It seems that your problem starts from the instrument or from the cable. I don't know where you work maybe a you are suffering from an anomalous noise pick-up.
Have you tried a back to back connection with your instrument using a very short cable ?
Kind Regards
10-03-2006 10:28 AM