Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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GPIB: Bus error occurred during transfer: BFFF0038



I am using GPIB-USB-HS and CMW 500  to learn attribute based programing.


I am programming based on the VB.NET and I am using driver which is provided by Rohde & SCHWARZ.


When I am running the code to remote CMW500. I am getting error code "BFFF0038"


Therefore, I was asuming that There might have connection problem between my PC and CMW 500.( Or USB connection problem)


I ran the NI max to check the conndition for USB and It was showing this message  "MAX could not open a VISA session to this static device.  The device was not returned from VISA when finding resources, but MAX was able to use VISA to parse the resource name"


I am not really sure how to solve this issue.


I have attached screenshot for MAX NI


Does any can give me some solutions to fix this problem?





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Message 1 of 6
I'm sorry but I fail to see why you would check the properties of the printer port or how that message is at all relevant.

Did you right click on the GPIB controller and do a scan for instruments? That is the first thing you do after installing the controller. If nothing is detected, you have a hardware problem. The instrument, cable, or controller could be bad.
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Message 2 of 6

Hello Dennis


Thanks for your helping.


Can I ask you How I can make sure whether I installed controllor(or driver) for GIPB USC properly ?or not ?


If I installed contoroller(or driver) properly , and I keep get this error message? ( I was using scan instrument function to detect device. However, it just returned "instruement not found".


What should I try to fix this problem (before getting new USB) ?


Thanks 🙂

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Message 3 of 6
What in your experience with GPIB makes you think that the driver is not installed correctly? Did you not verify this already per the instructions in the Getting Started guide?

Before getting a different controller, I would suggest trying a different instrument. You could try the setup on a different computer but the error points to a problem between the controller and the instrument.
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Message 4 of 6
I just realized that perhaps you were asking about the R&S driver. That driver is totally irrelevant to you doing a scan for instruments in MAX. I already told you to do this and you have not said anything about the results. Don't post back until you have done this elementary step.
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Message 5 of 6



I just solved the problem.


There is connection problem between instrument and PC. 


Thanks for helping me

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Message 6 of 6