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New experimental LV RPi/BBB installation feature now available

I have the ehternet port on my laptop statically configured to, it is direct connected to eth0 of the pi.  After I downloaded and installed your 2024 image on my pi, I booted it and during to the boot process it shows on the screen the NetworkManager-wait-online.service failed to start.  If I can statically configure the pi eth0 to it will be on the same subnet and I should be able to connect I had hoped.  I do not a have a wired connection with a router on my server  since I am on Starlink.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 24

Hi Ken,


I see the Target Configuration wizard and I am connected and working on the Blink example, thanks for the help!

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 24



Apologies for the nOOb question - once I install LabView on my Raspberry Pi 4, should I be able to run labview from the Pi directly, or from my Windows computer?


I have installed this experimental solution and the Pi boots into a coding screen not the UI which is a little above my level. Is this what it is supposed to do?


Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 24

No problem Larmander, you will be able to run LV code on the Raspberry Pi similar to a real-time target. So if you download a executable to it you can have it run without UI or you can connect a host application through network.

Best regards
Message 14 of 24

Hi JonasM, thank you for your helpful response!

I noted a short while after posting this that the images on github are lite which I understand has no GUI.

I have my Pi plugged in, my sensor plugged in to power and my Pi, and I am able to get to this screen in labview - should I be able to go now?


I am reading this and it seems very intimidating - does this apply for the RPi 4? Introduction to Modbus using LabVIEW - NI

Also, why does LV think I'm running a Pi2? Is that just the one they have a picture of?

Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 24

The LabVIEW runtime on the PI runs in its own chroot which is a sort of lightweight virtual machine and has no access to the monitor. So even if you would install the non-lite version, you could connect a display to the Raspi, but the LabVIEW VI running on your Raspi won't be visible on the display. It is running in "the Dark" just as with other LabVIEW embedded targets like the cRIO and sbRIO hardware.


And yes the Linx Toolkit was created around 2014 when the Pi2 was the newest and greatest board available. The image was never updated and nobody ever bothered to have it adapt to the actual Raspi connected. The Toolkit was however updated to work with Pi3 and Pi4 after 2021.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 16 of 24

Thankyou, ROFLK!


Which program/module should I be running on the Windows computer that is connected via ethernet to my RPi4, in order to get Modbus readouts for my sensor?


Should I be doing anything with this screen?





Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 24

You can have a loot at the cRIO developers guide to get a good idea how to interface a RT target. It's not exactly 1-to-1 with Rpi4 but very similar. See the section on network communications.


LabVIEW for CompactRIO Developer's Guide - NI

Best regards
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 24

Hi JonasM,


Thanks for your reply! I did print out Chapter 4 and read it. It was pretty dense and I feel none the wiser unfortunately - there isn't a lot about Modbus in there. 


I'm really struggling here - I feel like I am at the final hurdle though. I have no idea where to go from here. Could I create a project using the SCADA template, and somehow integrate the Pi in that way? I have managed to add it to the project! I don't know how to turn it into my Modbus Client/Master and the attached sensor into the Server/Slave (sorry if the language is in poor taste, I just want you to be sure what I'm talking about!) - also totally open to more reading material if you have any to recommend!



Thanks again,


ETA: I was reading this page, but I want to turn my Pi in to the Master, not the Slave: Turn RT Target Into a Modbus Slave Using IO Servers - NI


I should also mention that I am using a RS485 HAT with the Pi4 - I guess that means I am using Modbus RTU.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 24

Hi All,


I found some example code (see the top post) - Pi4 - PICO modbus RTU - Raspberry Pi Forums -


Where would I put this code, in my project? Do I right click something -> make a new something?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 24