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Changing channel configuration offline?

Is it possible to change a channel's configuration while offline? i.e. not connected to the cDAQ hardware


I have a scenario where a customer is using FlexLogger with a project we've setup. In the event the customer reports an issue with some channels (wrong scale for example), we want to make those changes to the project file locally and send them a new version which they can then open and run. In this case the customer is very remote - satellite phone / data comms which is very costly - so we want to minimise back-and-forth technical support


The only options I can see are:

1) Create simulated hardware, remap modules in FlexLogger to simulated hardware, change the scales, send to the customer, have them remap modules back to real hardware.

2) Supply docs on changing config, potentially walking them through config changes over the phone or email.

3) Hand edit the FlexLogger project files in a text editor and send to customer.


I'd rather avoid all three, as there's too much room for error given the conditions the customer is operating under. Can the channel configuration be changed offline in any other way?

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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