FieldPoint Family

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Two Test Stands, One Signal

Currently have a test stand set up with a FP-1601, FP-AI-111, and a FP-RTD-122.  For another test we would like to use 2 of the same test set-ups.  Both stands can be several feet apart.  Is there a way to link both test stands together and then have a single signal go to the PC?  I would like to avoid having to run wires from the hardware to a central data aquisition unit.  Any suggestions?
LabVIEW 2016 - Windows 7

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Hi MeCoOp,

So what you'd like to have is 2 FieldPoint banks that are connected to the same test stand, but ultimately you want them both connected back to the same PC.

As you know the FP-1601 is an Ethernet controller and can be connected thru a hub to a network and from there can easily be communicated with by any other computer on the network.  In your situation you may just want to set things up similarly and then just configure both banks in the same fashion. 

Once you have both of them working, then you can communicate to both in the same application.  Redundancy like this is often used with FieldPoint so that if one device stops responding the application will then begin communicating with the other device.

Tutorial: Redundancy in an Embedded FieldPoint Application

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