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private message to ambiguous screen name

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I am not sure if this is a bug and if anyone else faced this issue.


i was trying to reply to a private message i received yesterday. again, i was replying. so the screen name of the person who sent me the message was all i had.


when i drafted my reply and clicked 'send message', i get an error that the screen name is ambiguous as more than one user has the same screen name.


first: is it allowed for more than one use the same screen name?


second: when i selected the exact recepient from the list of available users with the same screen name, the message is never sent. i get back to the same page with the same error and the same list of possible receipients. as i was only replying, is there no way to identify which of the multiple users sent me the message in the first place? and why was it not sending the message even after i selected the correct recepient from the list?


did anyone face such an issue before? what should i do? 

TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Where's the moo button!?  I had this happen to me a couple of months ago.  I ended up just giving up on it and never sent the pm.


I'm curious how multiple people can have the same sn as well.

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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10


Unfortunately this is a known bug with Search 1.0, but Lithium was able to fix this bug when we upgraded to Search 2.0 in the forums. As posted here, we've had to roll back to Search 1.0 due to a different bug. This new bug will be resolved after Tuesday, September 11. After this date, both bugs should no longer persist.




Message 3 of 10

Thank you for the response



TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
Accepted by JordanG

Hello all,

The private messaging issue should be resolved. Please let me know if you experience difficulties sending private messages when you are prompted to select from multiple users.


Also to clarify the reason there are multiple users with the same alias...

Up until a few months ago we were mirroring posts to specific newsgroups over to the NI Discussion Forums. Over the years activity in newsgroups has drastically decreased, therefore we did away with the mirroring process. Because there was no authentication back when newsgroups were used heavily, a user could post to a newsgroup under a different alias for each post. In the NI database only one person can have one unique alias and there cannot be duplicates. The users who posted to the newsgroups do not exist in the NI database, however because they have contributed content to the forums we cannot simply delete those users as we will be deleting any content they contributed. Hence... multiple users with the same alias.


... clear as mud? 😉



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10



thank you for the update. i shall get back if i face any more problems with the pm.



TestAutomation Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

@JordanG wrote:

Hello all,

The private messaging issue should be resolved. Please let me know if you experience difficulties sending private messages when you are prompted to select from multiple users.


Also to clarify the reason there are multiple users with the same alias...

Up until a few months ago we were mirroring posts to specific newsgroups over to the NI Discussion Forums. Over the years activity in newsgroups has drastically decreased, therefore we did away with the mirroring process....


... clear as mud? 😉





Mirroring was the stumbling block preventing edits of post or rather limtiing the edit time to a couple of minutes.


Can you now allow edits of posts such that we can go back and fix things?




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hey Ben,

Since we're no longer mirroring over posts, I've increased edit time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.




Message 8 of 10

JordanG wrote:

Since we're no longer mirroring over posts, I've increased edit time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.



Now I need to remember to always quote relevant parts when commenting on a post, else I'll look like an idiot when the original post is edited beyond recognition. 😄

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

The private messaging issue should be resolved. Please let me know if you experience difficulties sending private messages when you are prompted to select from multiple users.



Not resolved yet. Try sending a message to bradSmiley Frustrated

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Message 10 of 10