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Our dearest Molly,

Yes, I recall your posts..

I have to blame this one on my subscription eye-glasses. They didn't capture the image and send them to my brain 😉

... maybe I need to admit that I didn't look hard enough... (maybe I shouldn't) 😉

However, the important is that I finally found it 😄

and can congratulate you & your team on the good work..


JLV (aka. The "other" Ray)
Message 21 of 49
Mr. tst..

If I could give you 10 ********** I would.

You hit the proverbial nail on the proverbial head.
I like to keep things simple.. One search engine, one method. One spot.


(I probably wouldn't find it either... must be old age.. Yikes) 😉

Joel Abview

(someone's gonna call me JP, soon)

Message 22 of 49
Bit formal.

Have a good day.

Ray Farmer (aka Mr. Farmer)
Ray Farmer
Message 23 of 49
tst, Ben, JLV, Ray, etc -

I agree 100% with all of you that it's our responsibility to make the system as seamless and simple for you all to use.

Our current solution is a result of us trying to integrate the two systems together and to promote each of their strengths and provide alternatives for their weaknesses to meet as many use cases as possible. This is how we got to where we are now. I will go back to the drawing board with the forum and search development teams to attempt to reach a more user friendly compromise.

As always, we love the feedback, we love the requests, and we will do our best to make a difference for you!
Molly K.
Web Support & Operations Manager
National Instruments
Message 24 of 49
Thank you Molly!

Us "old guys" (that is "guys" generic tst) need all of the help we can get.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 25 of 49

Are you suffering from "old age" as well??

Maybe I should change my icon.. I'm not that old... working 16 hours days does make me fell old..

Message 26 of 49
I wrote my first computer program in 1976.

Does that qualify as old?

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 27 of 49

@Ben wrote:
I wrote my first computer program in 1976.

Does that qualify as old?


Ben, if you call punching cards with Fortran IV statements "writing"... I've done that circa 1972 :). Of course we had no computer except for the weekly bus trip to the govenment building in the next city where we fed the cards to that roomful of computer technology with a total of 32KB of RAM (if I remember correctly).

It was always fun if that 10 line program had a bug and generated a core dump printout ... poor old growth rain forest, another fraction of an acre wasted to technology that once promised us all the "paperless office". 🙂

Now I feel old!
Message 28 of 49
Thanks guys, you make me feel younger ;o)

As for cardpunch, yes.. been there, done that.. We were the last ones to use them. They got rid of them in my 2nd year. The residue was fun to use at "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (confetti)

Can't say I miss Fortran. I was hooked on APL. (now that make me feel old again... better stop while I'm ahead..)

I was REALLY young when I went to University 😄 😄

And guys... you're still young...

If you were talking about tubes or those metal core (web) memory devices, then ... hummmm...

Message 29 of 49
Hi Altenbach,

I salute you sir!

Well you have me beat by 4 years. I still have a stack of the punch cards in my museum of computer artifacts.


i brought a bag of chad from an ASR-33 to a New Years Eve party. The host of the party was still finding the left over chad when they moved out years later. They eventually forgave me.

Ah yes the good old days. When being a computer expert was knowing where to kick the card reader when ever it jammed and muting the sound of the computer involved throwing a coat over the teletype.

Here is a joke that has passed it day.

Q: How many computer programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None! Its a hardware problem.

And one more that has withstood the test of time.

"Good programmers do not document. If is was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 30 of 49