02-02-2022 10:51 AM
Dear Sir:
When I clicked on this official NI webpage set forth below:
Begin Your Application - National Instruments (ni.com)
I tried to click on this link:
I believe that this link sends me to the wrong webpage.
This is where the link sends me to this webpage:
I believe that this link is incorrect, can someone at NI link me to the correct webpage?
Also, I tried to obtain some NI supported code and the VIs which should be available for public purview are not. These VIs are sourced from a corporate NI publication. Can an engineer at NI please comply with my request to obtain these
VI's? Here is the link:
Please Upload These DAQ X series Help file VIs - NI Community
Thank you for your courtesy.
02-02-2022 11:13 AM
You should report broken links and webpage problems in the Feedback on NI Community forum
02-02-2022 12:58 PM
Hi, Michael:
I reached out to the team in charge, and they have pointed out that the Getting Started page is currently being updated, so some content is under construction right now and that's why links might be a little off. For now, you might be able to find the information you are looking for by going to this link:
Jenny B
NI Community Support
02-03-2022 09:43 PM
Dear Jennifer;
I clicked on the link that you had sent me and, although the contents of the link were not helpful, the original webpage "link" error that this post refers to has been resolved/corrected. The NI employees who maintain the NI webpages have fixed the link in error. Now if you click on the original link, you will be directed to the corrected webpage: This is the corrected link:
While I have your attention, I have been trying to obtain some NI VIs that were referenced from a NI publication. I have attached the NI publication below.
The NI publication references these VIs:
Acq&Graph Voltage Int Clk-Retriggerable.vi
Gen Dig Pulse Train-Buff-Implicit-Cont.vi
Gen Dig Pulse Train-Buff-Sample Clock-Cont.vi
Meas Pulse-Buffered-SampleClocked-Cont.vi
Generate PWM Signal.vi
Cont Write Dig Port-Int Clk.vi
When NI came out with its DAQ X series these VIs were referenced as sample VIs to facilitate DAQ applications.
The customer was led to believe that software development would be facilitated with these VIs as a "reference" to begin software development. If these VIs are not available to the customer, then the customer has no stable development platform to build upon.
The last time I checked NI's search engine they were not available. However, they may appear in the near future in the same manner as the webpage link that was recently corrected.
I am under a tight development schedule, can you please upload - link me - to these VIs. I am particularly interested in these 3 VIs:
Gen Dig Pulse Train-Buff-Implicit-Cont.vi
Gen Dig Pulse Train-Buff-Sample Clock-Cont.vi
Cont Write Dig Port-Int Clk.vi
I would like to thank you for your courtesy with regard to this matter.